Source code for spacekit.preprocessor.transform

import os
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer
import tensorflow as tf
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u

from spacekit.logger.log import Logger

[docs]class SkyTransformer: # calculate sky separation / reference pixel offset statistics def __init__(self, mission, name="SkyTransformer", **log_kws): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- mission : str Name of mission or observatory, e.g. "JWST", "HST" product_exp_headers : dict, optional , by default None name : str, optional logging name, by default "SkyTransformer" """ self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__).spacekit_logger(**log_kws) self.mission = mission self.pixel_scales = self.image_pixel_scales() self.instr = None self.detector = None = None self.count_exposures = True self.refpix = dict() self.set_keys()
[docs] def set_keys(self, **kwargs): """ Set keys used in exposure header dictionary to identify values (typically derived from fits file sciheaders). Possible keyword arguments include: instr,detector,channel,ra,dec where 'ra','dec' refer to the fiducial (center pixel coordinate in degrees). None values will use defaults (see below); unrecognized kwargs will be ignored. Defaults: * instr="INSTRUME" * detector="DETECTOR" * channel="CHANNEL" * band="BAND" * exp_type="EXP_TYPE" * ra="CRVAL1" / could also use "RA_REF" * dec="CRVAL2" / could also use "DEC_REF" """ self.instr_key = kwargs.get("instr", "INSTRUME") self.detector_key = kwargs.get("detector", "DETECTOR") self.channel_key = kwargs.get("channel", "CHANNEL") self.band_key = kwargs.get("band", "BAND") self.exp_key = kwargs.get("exp_type", "EXP_TYPE") self.ra_key = kwargs.get("ra", "CRVAL1") self.dec_key = kwargs.get("dec", "CRVAL2") self.ra_key2 = "RA_REF" if self.ra_key == "CRVAL1" else "CRVAL1" self.dec_key2 = "DEC_REF" if self.dec_key == "CRVAL2" else "CRVAL2"
[docs] def calculate_offsets(self, product_exp_headers): """Given key-value pairs of header info from a set of input exposures, estimate the fiducial (center pixel coordinates) of the final image product and calculated pixel offset statistics between inputs and final output using detector-based footprints and sky separation angles. NOTE: the product keys and input exposure keys could be any strings and are used simply for organization. The fits-related key-value pairs nested within each input exposure dictionary must contain, at minimum, the instrument and fiducial ra/dec coordinates (e.g. "INSTRUME","CRVAL1","CRVAL1"). The keys themselves can be custom set using `self.set_keys(**kwargs)` but must match the contents of the nested dictionary passed into `product_exp_headers`. Typically these are derived directly from fits file sci headers of the input exposures. Some missions and instruments require additional information such as "CHANNEL" (JWST Nircam) or "DETECTOR" (HST) in order to identify the correct pixel scale and footprint size based on the detector and/or wavelength channel. Parameters ---------- product_exp_headers : dict nested dictionary of (typically Level 3) product names (keys), their input exposures (values) and relevant fits header information per exposure (key-value pairs). """ product_refpix = dict() for product, exp_headers in product_exp_headers.items(): product_refpix[product] = self.get_pixel_offsets(exp_headers) return product_refpix
[docs] def validate_fiducial(self, fiducial, exp): (ra, dec) = fiducial if isinstance(ra, float) and isinstance(dec, float): return True else: warning_message = f"Invalid RA/DEC fiducial value ({ra}, {dec}) in {str(exp)}" if exp == "TARG_RA/TARG_DEC": self.log.debug(warning_message) else: self.log.warning(warning_message) return False
[docs] def get_pixel_offsets(self, exp_data): if self.count_exposures is True: refpix = dict(NEXPOSUR=len(list(exp_data.keys()))) else: refpix = dict() offsets, targ_offsets, detectors, bands = [], [], [], [] targ_radec = None bad_fiducials = {} for exp, data in exp_data.items(): fiducial = (data.get(self.ra_key, self.ra_key2), data.get(self.dec_key, self.dec_key2)) # only need to set once bc consisent across exposures if targ_radec is None: targ_radec = (data.get("TARG_RA", ''), data.get("TARG_DEC", '')) # validate fiducials if self.validate_fiducial(fiducial, exp) is False: bad_fiducials[exp] = str(exp) continue instr = data[self.instr_key] detector = data.get(self.detector_key, None) channel = data.get(self.channel_key, None) band = data.get(self.band_key, None) exp_type = data.get(self.exp_key, None) scale = self.get_scale( instr, channel=channel, detector=detector, exp_type=exp_type ) shape = self.data_shapes(instr) # footprint from shape footprint = self.footprint_from_shape(fiducial, scale, shape) exp_data[exp].update( dict( fiducial=fiducial, footprint=footprint, scale=scale, ) ) if detector is not None and detector.upper() not in detectors: detectors.append(detector.upper()) # MIRI MRS: determine bands used: short, long, shortmedium, shortmediumlong if band is not None: bands.extend([b.upper() for b in band.split('-') if b.upper() not in bands]) # Throw out any exposures with invalid data for k in bad_fiducials.keys(): del exp_data[k] if 'NEXPOSUR' in refpix: refpix['NEXPOSUR'] -= 1 # if all exposures were bad, return empty dict if len(exp_data) < 1: return {} # find fiducial (final product) footprints = [v["footprint"] for v in exp_data.values()] lon_fiducial, lat_fiducial = self.estimate_fiducial(footprints) refpix["fx_ra"], refpix["fy_dec"] = lon_fiducial, lat_fiducial # pixel sky sep offsets from estimated fiducial pcoord = SkyCoord(lon_fiducial, lat_fiducial, unit="deg") tcoord = None if self.validate_fiducial(targ_radec, 'TARG_RA/TARG_DEC') is True: tcoord = SkyCoord(targ_radec[0], targ_radec[1], unit="deg") for exp, data in exp_data.items(): (ra, dec) = data["fiducial"] pixel = self.pixel_sky_separation(ra, dec, pcoord, data["scale"]) exp_data[exp]["offset"] = pixel offsets.append(pixel) if tcoord: targ_pixel = self.pixel_sky_separation(ra, dec, tcoord, data["scale"]) exp_data[exp]["targ_offset"] = targ_pixel targ_offsets.append(targ_pixel) # fill in metadata for product using reference exposure (usually vals are equal across inputs) ref_exp = [ k for k, v in exp_data.items() if v["offset"] == np.min(np.asarray(offsets)) ][0] keys = [ k for k in list(exp_data[ref_exp].keys()) if k not in ["DETECTOR", "BAND", "footprint", "fiducial"] ] for k in keys: refpix[k] = exp_data[ref_exp][k] if len(detectors) > 1: refpix["DETECTOR"] = "|".join(sorted([d for d in detectors])) else: refpix["DETECTOR"] = detectors[0] if len(bands) > 1: refpix["BAND"] = "|".join(sorted([b for b in bands], reverse=True)) elif len(bands) == 1: refpix["BAND"] = bands[0] else: refpix["BAND"] = 'NONE' # offset statistics offset_stats = self.offset_statistics(offsets) refpix.update(offset_stats) if targ_offsets: targ_offset_stats = self.offset_statistics(targ_offsets, pfx="targ_") refpix.update(targ_offset_stats) # experimental try: # set default to 0.0 as fallback if calculation fails refpix["t_offset"] = 0.0 refpix["gs_offset"] = 0.0 refpix["gs_offset"] = self.pixel_sky_separation( refpix["GS_RA"], refpix["GS_DEC"], pcoord, refpix["scale"] ) refpix["t_offset"] = self.pixel_sky_separation( refpix["TARG_RA"], refpix["TARG_DEC"], pcoord, refpix["scale"] ) except ValueError: self.log.debug("TARG/GS RA DEC vals missing or NaN - setting to 0.0") return refpix
[docs] def image_pixel_scales(self): return dict( HST=dict(ACS=dict(WFC=0.05), WFC3=dict(UVIS=0.04, IR=0.13)), JWST=dict( NIRCAM=dict( SHORT=0.03, LONG=0.06, ), MIRI=dict( GEN=0.11, MRS=0.196, ), NIRISS=0.06, NIRSPEC=0.12, FGS=0.069, ), )[self.mission]
[docs] def data_shapes(self, instr): return dict( JWST=dict( NIRCAM=(2048, 2048), MIRI=(1032, 1024), NIRISS=(2048, 2048), NIRSPEC=(2048, 2048), ), HST=dict( ACS=(4096, 2048), # ACS -> WFC, WFC3=(4096, 2051), # WFC3 -> UVIS (IR=(1024,1024)) ), )[self.mission][instr]
[docs] def get_scale(self, instr, channel=None, detector=None, exp_type=None): if channel.upper() in ["SHORT", "LONG"]: return self.pixel_scales[instr][channel] elif instr.upper() == "MIRI": if exp_type in ["MIR_MRS"]: return self.pixel_scales[instr]["MRS"] else: return self.pixel_scales[instr]["GEN"] elif detector.upper() in ["WFC", "UVIS", "IR"]: return self.pixel_scales[instr][detector] else: return self.pixel_scales[instr]
[docs] @staticmethod def footprint_from_shape(fiducial, scale, shape): sep_x = (shape[0] / 2 * scale * u.arcsec).to(u.deg).value sep_y = (shape[1] / 2 * scale * u.arcsec).to(u.deg).value ra_ref, dec_ref = fiducial footprint = np.array( [ [ra_ref - sep_x, dec_ref - sep_y], [ra_ref + sep_x, dec_ref - sep_y], [ra_ref + sep_x, dec_ref + sep_y], [ra_ref - sep_x, dec_ref + sep_y], ] ) return footprint
[docs] @staticmethod def estimate_fiducial(footprints: list): footprints = np.vstack([foot for foot in footprints]) lon, lat = footprints[:, 0], footprints[:, 1] lon, lat = np.deg2rad(lon), np.deg2rad(lat) x = np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon) y = np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon) z = np.sin(lat) x_mid = (np.max(x) + np.min(x)) / 2.0 y_mid = (np.max(y) + np.min(y)) / 2.0 z_mid = (np.max(z) + np.min(z)) / 2.0 lon_fiducial = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y_mid, x_mid)) % 360.0 lat_fiducial = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(z_mid, np.sqrt(x_mid**2 + y_mid**2))) return lon_fiducial, lat_fiducial
[docs] @staticmethod def pixel_sky_separation(ra, dec, p_coords, scale, unit="deg"): coords = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=unit) skysep_angle = p_coords.separation(coords) arcsec = skysep_angle.arcsecond pixel = arcsec / scale return pixel
[docs] @staticmethod def offset_statistics(offsets, pfx=""): offsets = np.asarray(offsets) stats = dict() stats[f"{pfx}max_offset"] = np.max(offsets) stats[f"{pfx}mean_offset"] = np.mean(offsets) stats[f"{pfx}sigma_offset"] = np.std(offsets) stats[f"{pfx}err_offset"] = np.std(offsets) / np.sqrt(len(offsets)) sigma1_idx = np.where(offsets > np.mean(offsets) + np.std(offsets))[0] if len(sigma1_idx) > 0: stats[f"{pfx}sigma1_mean"] = np.mean(offsets[sigma1_idx]) stats[f"{pfx}frac"] = len(offsets[sigma1_idx]) / len(offsets) else: stats[f"{pfx}sigma1_mean"] = 0.0 stats[f"{pfx}frac"] = 0.0 return stats
[docs]class Transformer: def __init__( self, data, cols=None, ncols=None, tx_data=None, tx_file=None, save_tx=True, join_data=1, rename="_scl", output_path=None, name="Transformer", **log_kws, ): """Initializes a Transformer class object. Unless the `cols` attribute is empty, it will automatically instantiate some of the other attributes needed to transform the data. Using the Transformer subclasses instead is recommended (this class is mainly used as an object with general methods to load or save the transform data as well as instantiate some of the initial attributes). Parameters ---------- data : dataframe or numpy.ndarray input data containing continuous feature vectors to be transformed (may also contain vectors or columns of categorical and other datatypes as well). transformer : class, optional transform class to use (e.g. from scikit-learn), by default PowerTransformer(standardize=False) cols : list, optional column names or array index values of feature vectors to be transformed (i.e. continuous datatype features), by default [] tx_file : string, optional path to saved transformer metadata, by default None save_tx : bool, optional save the transformer metadata as json file on local disk, by default True join_data : int, optional 1: join normalized data with remaining columns of original; 2: join with complete original, all columns (requires renaming) rename : str or list if string, will be appended to normalized col names; if list, will rename normalized columns in this order output_path : string, optional where to save the transformer metadata, by default None (current working directory) """ self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__, **log_kws).spacekit_logger() = self.check_shape(data) self.cols = cols self.ncols = self.check_columns(ncols=ncols) self.tx_file = tx_file self.save_tx = save_tx self.join_data = join_data self.rename = rename self.output_path = output_path self.tx_data = self.load_transformer_data(tx=tx_data) self.continuous = self.continuous_data() self.categorical = self.categorical_data()
[docs] def check_shape(self, data): if len(data.shape) == 1: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = data.reshape(1, -1) elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): name = data = pd.DataFrame( data.values.reshape(1, -1), columns=list(data.index) ) data["index"] = name data.set_index("index", inplace=True) return data
[docs] def check_columns(self, ncols=None): if ncols is not None and isinstance(, np.ndarray): self.cols = ncols self.ncols = ncols
[docs] def load_transformer_data(self, tx=None): """Loads saved transformer metadata from a dictionary or a json file on local disk. Returns ------- dictionary transform metadata used for applying transformations on new data inputs """ if tx: self.tx_data = tx elif self.tx_file is not None: with open(self.tx_file, "r") as j: self.tx_data = json.load(j) return self.tx_data else: return None
[docs] def save_transformer_data(self, tx=None, fname="tx_data.json"): """Save the transform metadata to a json file on local disk. Typical use-case is when you need to transform new inputs prior to generating a prediction but don't have access to the original dataset used to train the model. Parameters ---------- tx : dictionary statistical metadata calculated when applying a transform to the training dataset; for PowerTransform this consists of lambdas, means and standard deviations for each continuous feature vector of the dataset. Returns ------- string path where json file is saved on disk """ if self.output_path is None: self.output_path = os.getcwd() else: os.makedirs(self.output_path, exist_ok=True) self.tx_file = f"{self.output_path}/{fname}" with open(self.tx_file, "w") as j: if tx is None: json.dump(self.tx_data, j) else: json.dump(tx, j)"TX data saved as json file: {self.tx_file}") return self.tx_file
[docs] def continuous_data(self): """Store continuous feature vectors in a variable using the column names (or axis index if using numpy arrays) from `cols` attribute. Returns ------- dataframe or ndarray continuous feature vectors (as determined by `cols` attribute) """ if self.cols is None: self.log.debug("`cols` attribute not instantiated.") return None if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): return[self.cols] elif isinstance(, np.ndarray): return[:, self.cols]
[docs] def categorical_data(self): """Stores the other feature vectors in a separate variable (any leftover from `data` that are not in `cols`). Returns ------- dataframe or ndarray "categorical" i.e. non-continuous feature vectors (as determined by `cols` attribute) """ if self.cols is None: return None if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): return, axis=1, inplace=False) elif isinstance(, np.ndarray): allcols = list(range([1])) cat_cols = [c for c in allcols if c not in self.cols] return[:, cat_cols]
[docs] def normalized_dataframe(self, normalized): """Creates a new dataframe with the normalized data. Optionally combines with non-continuous vectors (original data) and appends `_scl` to the original column names for the ones that have been transformed. Parameters ---------- normalized : dataframe normalized feature vectors join_data : bool, optional merge back with the original non-continuous data, by default True rename : bool, optional append '_scl' to normalized column names, by default True Returns ------- dataframe dataframe of same shape as input data with continuous features normalized """ try: idx = except AttributeError: self.log.error( "Non-dataframe type detected - Trying `normalized_matrix` instead." ) return self.normalized_matrix(normalized) if self.rename is None: newcols = self.cols elif isinstance(self.rename, str): newcols = [c + self.rename for c in self.cols] elif isinstance(self.rename, list): newcols = self.rename try: data_norm = pd.DataFrame(normalized, index=idx, columns=newcols) if self.join_data == 1: data_norm = data_norm.join(self.categorical, how="left") elif self.join_data == 2: data_norm = data_norm.join(, how="left") return data_norm except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) return None
[docs] def normalized_matrix(self, normalized): """Concatenates arrays of normalized data with original non-continuous data along the y-axis (axis=1). Parameters ---------- normalized : numpy.ndarray normalized data Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of same shape as input data, with continuous vectors normalized """ if isinstance(self.categorical, pd.DataFrame): cat = self.categorical.values else: cat = self.categorical return np.concatenate((normalized, cat), axis=1)
[docs] def normalizeX(self, normalized): """Combines original non-continuous features/vectors with the transformed/normalized data. Determines datatype (array or dataframe) and calls the appropriate method. Parameters ---------- normalized : dataframe or ndarray normalized data join_data : bool, optional merge back with non-continuous data, by default True rename : bool, optional append '_scl' to normalized column names, by default True Returns ------- ndarray or dataframe array or dataframe of same shape and datatype as inputs, with continuous vectors/features normalized """ if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): return self.normalized_dataframe(normalized) elif isinstance(, np.ndarray): return self.normalized_matrix(normalized) else: self.log.error( "Input data type not recognized - must be a dataframe or array" ) return None
[docs]class PowerX(Transformer): """Applies Leo-Johnson PowerTransform (via scikit learn) normalization and scaling to continuous feature vectors of a dataframe or numpy array. The `tx_data` attribute can be instantiated from a json file, dictionary or the input data itself. The training and test sets should be normalized separately (i.e. distinct class objects) to prevent data leakage when training a machine learning model. Loading the transform metadata from a json file allows you to transform a new input array (e.g. for predictions) without needing to access the original dataframe. Parameters ---------- Transformer : class spacekit.preprocessor.transform.Transformer parent class Returns ------- PowerX class object spacekit.preprocessor.transform.PowerX power transform subclass """ def __init__( self, data, cols, ncols=None, tx_data=None, tx_file=None, save_tx=False, save_as="tx_data.json", output_path=None, join_data=1, rename="_scl", **log_kws, ): super().__init__( data, cols=cols, ncols=ncols, tx_data=tx_data, tx_file=tx_file, save_tx=save_tx, join_data=join_data, rename=rename, output_path=output_path, name="PowerX", **log_kws, ) self.fname = save_as self.calculate_power() self.normalized = self.apply_power_matrix() self.Xt = super().normalizeX(self.normalized)
[docs] def fitX(self): """Instantiates a scikit-learn PowerTransformer object and fits to the input data. If `tx_data` was passed as a kwarg or loaded from `tx_file`, the lambdas attribute for the transformer object will be updated to use these instead of calculated at the transform step. Returns ------- PowerTransformer object transformer fit to the data """ self.transformer = PowerTransformer(standardize=False).fit(self.continuous) self.transformer.lambdas_ = self.get_lambdas() return self.transformer
[docs] def get_lambdas(self): """Instantiates the lambdas from file or dictionary if passed as kwargs; otherwise it uses the lambdas calculated in the transformX method. If transformX has not been called yet, returns None. Returns ------- ndarray or float transform of multiple feature vectors returns an array of lambda values; otherwise a single vector returns a single (float) value. """ if self.tx_data is not None: return self.tx_data["lambdas"] return self.transformer.lambdas_
[docs] def transformX(self): """Applies a scikit-learn PowerTransform on the input data. Returns ------- ndarray continuous feature vectors transformed via scikit-learn PowerTransform """ return self.transformer.transform(self.continuous)
[docs] def calculate_power(self): """Fits and transforms the continuous feature vectors using scikit learn PowerTransform. Calculates zero mean and unit variance for each vector as a separate step and stores these along with the lambdas in a dictionary `tx_data` attribute. This is so that the same normalization can be applied later for prediction inputs without requiring the original training data - otherwise it would be the same as using PowerTransform(standardize=True). Optionally, the calculated transform data can be stored in a json file on local disk. Returns ------- self spacekit.preprocessor.transform.PowerX object with transformation metadata calculated for the input data and stored as attributes. """ self.transformer = self.fitX() self.input_matrix = self.transformX() if self.tx_data is None: mu, sig = [], [] for i in range(len(self.cols)): # normalized[:, i] = (v - m) / s mu.append(np.mean(self.input_matrix[:, i])) sig.append(np.std(self.input_matrix[:, i])) self.tx_data = { "lambdas": self.get_lambdas(), "mu": np.asarray(mu), "sigma": np.asarray(sig), } if self.save_tx is True: tx2 = {} for k, v in self.tx_data.items(): tx2[k] = list(v) _ = super().save_transformer_data(tx=tx2, fname=self.fname) del tx2 return self
[docs] def apply_power_matrix(self): """Transforms the input data. This method assumes we already have `tx_data` and a fit-transformed input_matrix (array of continuous feature vectors), which normally is done automatically when the class object is instantiated and `calculate_power` is called. Returns ------- ndarray power transformed continuous feature vectors """ xrow = self.continuous.shape[0] xcol = self.continuous.shape[1] self.normalized = np.empty((xrow, xcol)) for i in range(xcol): v = self.input_matrix[:, i] m = self.tx_data["mu"][i] s = self.tx_data["sigma"][i] self.normalized[:, i] = np.round((v - m) / s, 5) return self.normalized
[docs]def normalize_training_data( df, cols, X_train, X_test, X_val=None, rename=None, output_path=None ): """Apply Leo-Johnson PowerTransform (via scikit learn) normalization and scaling to the training data, saving the transform metadata to json file on local disk and transforming the train, test and val sets separately (to prevent data leakage). Parameters ---------- df : pandas dataframe training dataset cols: list column names or array index values of feature vectors to be transformed (i.e. continuous datatype features) X_train : ndarray training set feature inputs array X_test : ndarray test set feature inputs array X_val : ndarray, optional validation set inputs array, by default None Returns ------- ndarrays normalized and scaled training, test, and validation sets """ print("Applying Normalization (Leo-Johnson PowerTransform)") ncols = [i for i, c in enumerate(df.columns) if c in cols] Px = PowerX( df, cols=cols, ncols=ncols, save_tx=True, rename=rename, output_path=output_path ) X_train = PowerX( X_train, cols=cols, ncols=ncols, rename=rename, tx_data=Px.tx_data ).Xt X_test = PowerX( X_test, cols=cols, ncols=ncols, rename=rename, tx_data=Px.tx_data ).Xt if X_val is not None: X_val = PowerX( X_val, cols=cols, ncols=ncols, rename=rename, tx_data=Px.tx_data ).Xt return X_train, X_test, X_val else: return X_train, X_test
[docs]def normalize_training_images(X_tr, X_ts, X_vl=None): """Scale image inputs so that all pixel values are converted to a decimal between 0 and 1 (divide by 255). Parameters ---------- X_tr : ndarray training set images test : ndarray test set images val : ndarray, optional validation set images, by default None Returns ------- ndarrays image set arrays """ X_tr /= 255.0 X_ts /= 255.0 if X_vl is not None: X_vl /= 255.0 return X_tr, X_ts, X_vl else: return X_tr, X_ts
def array_to_tensor(arr, reshape=False, shape=(-1, 1)): if type(arr) == tf.Tensor: return arr if reshape is True: arr = arr.reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) return tf.convert_to_tensor(arr, dtype=tf.float32) def y_tensors(y_train, y_test, reshape=True): y_train = array_to_tensor(y_train, reshape=reshape) y_test = array_to_tensor(y_test, reshape=reshape) return y_train, y_test def X_tensors(X_train, X_test): X_train = array_to_tensor(X_train) X_test = array_to_tensor(X_test) return X_train, X_test
[docs]def arrays_to_tensors(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, reshape_y=False): """Converts multiple numpy arrays into tensorflow tensor datatypes at once (for convenience). Parameters ---------- X_train : ndarray input training features y_train : ndarray training target values X_test : ndarray input test features y_test : ndarray test target values Returns ------- tensorflow.tensors X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test """ X_train = array_to_tensor(X_train) y_train = array_to_tensor(y_train, reshape=reshape_y) X_test = array_to_tensor(X_test) y_test = array_to_tensor(y_test, reshape=reshape_y) return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test
[docs]def tensor_to_array(tensor, reshape=False, shape=(-1, 1)): """Convert a tensor back into a numpy array. Optionally reshape the array (e.g. for target class data). Parameters ---------- tensor : tensor tensorflow tensor object reshape : bool, optional reshapes the array (-1, 1) using numpy, by default False Returns ------- ndarray array of same shape as input tensor, unless reshape=True """ if reshape: return np.asarray(tensor).reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) else: return np.asarray(tensor)
[docs]def tensors_to_arrays(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test): """Converts tensors into arrays, which is necessary for certain regression analysis computations. The y_train and y_test args are reshaped using numpy.reshape(-1, 1). Parameters ---------- X_train : tensor training feature inputs y_train : tensor training target outputs X_test : tensor test feature inputs y_test : tensor test target outputs Returns ------- numpy.ndarrays X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test """ X_train = tensor_to_array(X_train) y_train = tensor_to_array(y_train, reshape=True) X_test = tensor_to_array(X_test) y_test = tensor_to_array(y_test, reshape=True) return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test
[docs]def hypersonic_pliers( path_to_train, path_to_test, y_col=[0], skip=1, dlm=",", subtract_y=0.0 ): """Extracts data into 1-dimensional arrays, using separate target classes (y) for training and test data. Assumes y (target) is first column in dataframe. If the target (y) classes in the raw data are 0 and 2, but you'd like them to be binaries (0 and 1), set subtract_y=1.0 Parameters ---------- path_to_train : string path to training data file (csv) path_to_test : string path to test data file (csv) y_col : list, optional axis index of target class, by default [0] skip : int, optional skiprows parameter for np.loadtxt, by default 1 dlm : str, optional delimiter, by default "," subtract_y : float, optional subtract this value from all y-values, by default 1.0 Returns ------- np.ndarrays X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test """ Train = np.loadtxt(path_to_train, skiprows=skip, delimiter=dlm) cols = list(range(Train.shape[1])) xcols = [c for c in cols if c not in y_col] # X_train = Train[:, 1:] X_train = Train[:, xcols] # y_train = Train[:, 0, np.newaxis] - subtract_y y_train = Train[:, y_col, np.newaxis] - subtract_y Test = np.loadtxt(path_to_test, skiprows=skip, delimiter=dlm) X_test = Test[:, xcols] y_test = Test[:, y_col, np.newaxis] - subtract_y # X_test = Test[:, 1:] # y_test = Test[:, 0, np.newaxis] - subtract_y del Train, Test print("X_train: ", X_train.shape) print("y_train: ", y_train.shape) print("X_test: ", X_test.shape) print("y_test: ", y_test.shape) return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test
def thermo_fusion_chisel(matrix1, matrix2=None): """Scales each vector of a 2d array (``matrix``) to zero mean and unit variance. The second (optional) matrix is to perform the same scaling on a separate set of inputs, e.g. train and test data. Note - normalization should be done separately to prevent data leakage in model training, hence the matrix2 kwarg. Parameters ---------- matrix1 : ndarray input feature vectors to be scaled matrix2 : ndarray, optional second input feature vectors to be scaled, by default None Returns ------- ndarray(s) scaled array(s) of same shape as input """ matrix1 = (matrix1 - np.mean(matrix1, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) / np.std( matrix1, axis=1 ).reshape(-1, 1) print("Mean: ", matrix1[0].mean()) print("Variance: ", matrix1[0].std()) if matrix2 is not None: matrix2 = (matrix2 - np.mean(matrix2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) / np.std( matrix2, axis=1 ).reshape(-1, 1) print("Mean: ", matrix2[0].mean()) print("Variance: ", matrix2[0].std()) return matrix1, matrix2 else: return matrix1
[docs]def babel_fish_dispenser(matrix1, matrix2=None, step_size=None, axis=2): """Adds an input corresponding to the running average over a set number of time steps. This helps the neural network to ignore high frequency noise by passing in a uniform 1-D filter and stacking the arrays. Parameters ---------- matrix1 : numpy array e.g. X_train matrix2 : numpy array, optional e.g. X_test, by default None step_size : int, optional timesteps for 1D filter (e.g. 200), by default None axis : int, optional which axis to stack the arrays, by default 2 Returns ------- numpy array(s) 2D array (original input array with a uniform 1d-filter as noise) """ if step_size is None: step_size = 200 # calc input for flux signal rolling avgs filter1 = uniform_filter1d(matrix1, axis=1, size=step_size) # store in array and stack on 2nd axis for each obs of X data matrix1 = np.stack([matrix1, filter1], axis=axis) if matrix2 is not None: filter2 = uniform_filter1d(matrix2, axis=1, size=step_size) matrix2 = np.stack([matrix2, filter2], axis=axis) print(matrix1.shape, matrix2.shape) return matrix1, matrix2 else: print(matrix1.shape) return matrix1
[docs]def fast_fourier(matrix, bins): """Takes an array (e.g. signal input values) and rotates number of ``bins`` to the left as a fast Fourier transform. Returns vector of length equal to ``matrix`` input array. Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray input values to transform bins : int number of rotations Returns ------- ndarray vector of length equal to ``matrix`` input array """ shape = matrix.shape fourier_matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) for row in matrix: signal = np.asarray(row) frequency = np.arange(signal.size / 2 + 1, dtype=np.float) phase = np.exp( complex(0.0, (2.0 * np.pi)) * frequency * bins / float(signal.size) ) ft = np.fft.irfft(phase * np.fft.rfft(signal)) fourier_matrix += ft return fourier_matrix
# for backward compatability with HSTCAL (planned deprecation) # def update_power_transform(df): # pt = PowerTransformer(standardize=False) # df_cont = df[["n_files", "total_mb"]] # # input_matrix = pt.transform(df_cont) # # FILES (n_files) # f_mean = np.mean(input_matrix[:, 0]) # f_sigma = np.std(input_matrix[:, 0]) # # SIZE (total_mb) # s_mean = np.mean(input_matrix[:, 1]) # s_sigma = np.std(input_matrix[:, 1]) # files = input_matrix[:, 0] # size = input_matrix[:, 1] # x_files = (files - f_mean) / f_sigma # x_size = (size - s_mean) / s_sigma # normalized = np.stack([x_files, x_size], axis=1) # idx = df_cont.index # df_norm = pd.DataFrame(normalized, index=idx, columns=["x_files", "x_size"]) # df["x_files"] = df_norm["x_files"] # df["x_size"] = df_norm["x_size"] # lambdas = pt.lambdas_ # pt_transform = { # "f_lambda": lambdas[0], # "s_lambda": lambdas[1], # "f_mean": f_mean, # "f_sigma": f_sigma, # "s_mean": s_mean, # "s_sigma": s_sigma, # } # print(pt_transform) # return df, pt_transform