Source code for spacekit.generator.draw

import os
import sys
import glob
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from import fits, ascii
from astropy.visualization import ImageNormalize, ZScaleInterval
import time
from spacekit.analyzer.track import stopwatch
from spacekit.logger.log import Logger, SPACEKIT_LOG

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    plt = None

    from tqdm import tqdm
except ImportError:
    tqdm = None

def check_viz_imports():
    return plt is not None

def check_imports():
    if not check_viz_imports():
        return False
        return tqdm is not None

[docs]class DrawMosaics: """Class for generating machine-learning image inputs from drizzled total detection fits files and their associated catalog files. Primarily used for creating multiple images at once (batch) with capability for single images/single dataset also available.""" def __init__( self, input_path, output_path=None, fname=None, visit=None, pattern="", gen=3, size=(24, 24), crpt=0, subset_name=None, name="DrawMosaics", **log_kws, ): """Initializes a DrawMosaics class object. Parameters ---------- input_path : str (path) path to dataset subdirectories containing total or filter fits files output_path : [type], optional where to save the pngs (path), by default None (will create and save in relative dir path named "img" ) fname : str (path), optional csv (dataframe) fname for generating specific list of datasets, by default None visit : [type], optional name of specific subdirectory (typically ipppssoot or visit name) containing .fits and .ecsv files, by default None pattern : str, optional glob search pattern (to restrict image generator to look for only certain visit names, e.g. 'ia*', by default '' gen : int, optional generator method to use: 0=generate original only; 1=point-segment, 2=gaia; 3=original, point-segment, and gaia (3 separate images), by default 3 size : tuple, optional size to make the figures i.e. figsize=(size,size), by default (24, 24) crpt : int, optional modifies the input search pattern as well as output png file naming convention (so that a non-corrupt visit of the same name is not overwritten), by default 0 """ self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__, **log_kws).setup_logger(logger=SPACEKIT_LOG) if not check_imports(): self.log.error("tqdm and/or matplotlib not installed.") raise ImportError( "You must install tqdm (`pip install tqdm`) " "and matplotlib<4 (`pip install matplotlib<4`) " "for the draw module to work." "\n\nInstall extra deps via `pip install spacekit[x]`" ) self.input_path = input_path self.output_path = output_path self.check_output() self.fname = fname self.visit = visit self.pattern = pattern self.gen = gen self.size = size self.crpt = crpt self.rgx = self.check_format() self.status = {"new": [], "skip": [], "err": []} self.datasets = self.get_datasets() self.clip = True self.manual = None self.subset_name = subset_name
[docs] def check_output(self): """check if a custom output_path is set, otherwise create a subdirectory "img" in the current working directory and set as the output_path attribute. Returns ------- str (path) path to subdirectory for saving png images. """ if self.output_path is None: self.output_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "img") # TODO if permission error, write to /tmp os.makedirs(self.output_path, exist_ok=True) return self.output_path
[docs] def check_format(self, dname=None): if dname is None: dname = "??????" if self.crpt == 1: return f"{dname}_*_???_st??" else: return dname
[docs] def get_hapfiles(self, dataset): if self.pattern: subdir = f"{self.input_path}/{self.pattern}/{dataset}" else: subdir = f"{self.input_path}/{dataset}" dname = dataset.split("_")[0] hfiles = glob.glob(f"{subdir}/*total_{dname}_dr?.fits") return subdir, hfiles
[docs] def get_datasets(self): """Locate inputs (fits file directories) to use for drawing the images. Search method used is based on parameters set when the DrawMosaics class object is instantiated. If multiple parameters are passed in, the order of search priority is 1) `fname`: only look for visits found in the csv file/dataframe (uses `load_from_file` method); 2) `visit` only look for subdirectories matching this specific visit name; 3) `local_search`: glob-based search for any visit subdirectories matching the pattern set in `pattern` attribute. (if crpt) Returns ------- list list of datasets/visits found according to search method used """ if self.fname: return self.load_from_file() elif self.visit: return [self.visit] else: return self.local_search()
[docs] def load_from_file(self): """only look for visits found in the csv file/dataframe. Returns ------- list restricted list of inputs (visits) for which images will be drawn """ if not self.fname.endswith("csv"): self.fname += ".csv" df = pd.read_csv(self.fname, index_col="index") idx = list(df.index) self.datasets = [] skip = [] for i in idx: impath = os.path.join(self.output_path, i) visit = i.split("_")[6] if not self.crpt else "_".join(i.split("_")[6:]) if os.path.exists(impath): num = len(glob.glob(f"{impath}/*")) if num < 3: self.datasets.append(visit) else: skip.append(visit) else: self.datasets.append(visit) if len(skip) > 0: self.status["skip"] = list(set(skip)) print("Skipping found images: ", len(self.status["skip"])) print(f"\nFound {len(self.datasets)} new datasets.") return list(set(self.datasets))
[docs] def point_flag_color(self, x): """determines whether or not to draw a small red (or green) circle on top of the original image data depending on the value found in point source catalog. More info on the values associated with the "flag" color can be found in the Drizzlepac handbook at (Drizzlepac.catalog_generation api) Parameters ---------- x : int value pulled from point catalog file Returns ------- str "red", "green" or None depending on input value """ if x <= 1: return "red", "Flag <= 1" elif x <= 5: return "green", "2 <= Flag <= 5" else: return None, None # 'yellow', 'Flag > 5'
[docs] def segment_flag_color(self, x): """draw a small blue circle on top of the original image data depending on the value found in segment source catalog. Parameters ---------- x : int value pulled from segment catalog file Returns ------- str "blue", "green" or None depending on input value """ if x <= 1: return "blue", "Flag <= 1" elif x <= 5: return "green", "2 <= Flag <= 5" else: return None, None # 'yellow', 'Flag > 5'
[docs] def draw_catalogs(self, cfile, catalog): """Open and read .escv catalog file associated with the visit (if available) and map the appropriate values and coordinates to draw as an overlay on the original image. Credit: based in part on code by M. Burger Parameters ---------- cfile : str (path) path to source catalog file catalog : str "point", "segment" or "gaia" Returns ------- Pandas dataframe, lists of flag colors table of catalog values and associated flag colors. """ cat, fcolor_, fcolor = None, None, None if os.path.exists(cfile): # cat =, format='ascii.ecsv') cat = else: cat = "" if len(cat) > 0: if "Flags" in cat.columns: flagcols = cat["Flags"] else: flagcols = [c for c in cat.columns if "Flags" in c] if len(flagcols) > 0: flags = ( cat.loc[:, flagcols] .fillna(100, axis=0, inplace=False) .apply(min, axis=1) ) if catalog == "point": fcolor_ = flags.apply(self.point_flag_color) elif catalog == "segment": fcolor_ = flags.apply(self.segment_flag_color) fcolor = fcolor_.apply(lambda x: x[0]).values return cat, fcolor_, fcolor
[docs] def create_image_name(self, name, dataset, P=0, S=0, G=0, fgroup=None): """Determines which suffix to append to the output png file based on which catalog(s) are used (if any). Parameters ---------- name : str visit name dataset : [type] visit name (used to adjust `name` if crpt=1) P : int, optional draw point catalog overlay (if available), by default 0 S : int, optional draw segment catalog overlay (if available), by default 0 G : int, optional draw Gaia catalog overlay (if eDR3 or GSC242 available), by default 0 Returns ------- str path to png output for this image. """ if P == 1 and S == 1: catstr = "_source" elif P == 1 and S == 0: catstr = "_point" elif P == 0 and S == 1: catstr = "_segment" elif G == 1: catstr = "_gaia" else: catstr = "" if self.crpt: sfx = "_".join(dataset.split("_")[1:]) name = f"{name}_{sfx}" if fgroup: # rel filter images share same parent dir img_out = fgroup else: img_out = f"{self.output_path}/{name}" os.makedirs(img_out, exist_ok=True) imgpath = os.path.join(img_out, f"{name}{catstr}") return imgpath
[docs] def generate_total_images(self): """Batch image generation method for multiple datasets (and multiple catalog types)""" base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.output_path)) start = time.time() stopwatch("DRAWING IMAGES", t0=start, out=base, subset_name=self.subset_name) if self.datasets is None: print("No datasets available. Exiting") sys.exit(1) print(f"Generating images for {len(self.datasets)} datasets.") for dataset in tqdm(self.datasets): if self.gen == 3: # original, point-segment, and GAIA self.draw_total_images(dataset) self.draw_total_images(dataset, P=1, S=1) self.draw_total_images(dataset, G=1) elif self.gen == 2: # GAIA self.draw_total_images(dataset, G=1) elif self.gen == 1: # point-segment self.draw_total_images(dataset, P=1, S=1) else: # original (0) self.draw_total_images(dataset) end = time.time() stopwatch( "IMAGE GENERATION", t0=start, t1=end, out=base, subset_name=self.subset_name )
[docs] def draw_total_images(self, dataset, P=0, S=0, G=0): """Primary class method for plotting the data, drawing the catalogs (if any) and saving to local disk as png. Parameters ---------- dataset : str visit name (single dataset, for batch jobs this comes from looping over the list stored in self.datasets) P : int, optional draw point catalog overlay (if available), by default 0 S : int, optional draw segment catalog overlay (if available), by default 0 G : int, optional draw Gaia catalog overlay (eDR3 or GSC242 if available), by default 0 """ subdir, hfiles = self.get_hapfiles(dataset) if len(hfiles) > 0: for hfile in hfiles: name = os.path.basename(hfile).split(".")[0][:-4] detector = name.split("_")[4] with as ff: hdu = ff[1] wcs = WCS(hdu.header) footprint = wcs.calc_footprint(hdu.header) ralim = [np.max(footprint[:, 0]), np.min(footprint[:, 0])] declim = [np.max(footprint[:, 1]), np.min(footprint[:, 1])] radeclim = np.stack([ralim, declim], axis=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs, frameon=False) plt.axis(False) interval = ZScaleInterval() zmin, zmax = interval.get_limits( if self.manual is None: norm = ImageNormalize(, vmin=0, vmax=zmax * 2, clip=self.clip ) elif self.manual == "zscale": norm = ImageNormalize(, vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, clip=self.clip ) elif isinstance(self.manual, dict): try: norm = ImageNormalize(, **self.manual) except Exception as e: print(e) ax.imshow(, origin="lower", norm=norm, cmap="gray") if P: p_cat = glob.glob(f"{subdir}/{name}_point-cat.ecsv") if len(p_cat) > 0: point, pfcolor_, pfcolor = self.draw_catalogs(p_cat[0], "point") if pfcolor_ is not None: for fcol in pfcolor_.unique(): if fcol is not None: q = pfcolor == fcol[0] ax.scatter( point[q]["RA"], point[q]["DEC"], edgecolor=fcol[0], facecolor="none", transform=ax.get_transform("fk5"), marker="o", s=15, alpha=0.5, ) if S: s_cat = glob.glob(f"{subdir}/{name}_segment-cat.ecsv") if len(s_cat) > 0: seg, sfcolor_, sfcolor = self.draw_catalogs(s_cat[0], "segment") if sfcolor_ is not None: for fcol in sfcolor_.unique(): if fcol is not None: q = sfcolor == fcol[0] ax.scatter( seg[q]["RA"], seg[q]["DEC"], edgecolor=fcol[0], facecolor="none", transform=ax.get_transform("fk5"), marker="o", s=15, alpha=0.5, ) if G: g_cat = glob.glob(f"{subdir}/*_{detector}_*G*_ref_cat.ecsv") if len(g_cat) > 0: if os.path.exists(g_cat[0]): gaia =[0]).to_pandas() ax.scatter( gaia["RA"], gaia["DEC"], edgecolor="cyan", facecolor="none", transform=ax.get_transform("fk5"), marker="o", s=15, ) xlim, ylim = wcs.wcs_world2pix(radeclim, 1).T ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) imgpath = self.create_image_name(name, dataset, P=P, S=S, G=G) plt.savefig(imgpath, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) self.status["new"].append(dataset) else: self.status["err"].append(dataset)
[docs] def generate_filter_images(self): """Generate batch of relative filter drizzle file images.""" start = time.time() stopwatch("DRAWING IMAGES", t0=start) if self.datasets is None: print("No datasets available. Exiting") sys.exit(1) print(f"Generating images for {len(self.datasets)} datasets.") for dataset in tqdm(self.datasets): self.draw_filter_images(dataset)
[docs] def draw_filter_images(self, dataset): """Generate relative filter drizzle file images Parameters ---------- dataset : str name of input visit dataset """ subdir, dname = f"{self.input_path}/{dataset}", dataset.split("_")[0] filter_files = glob.glob(f"{subdir}/*[!total]_{dname}_dr?.fits") if len(filter_files) > 0: outpath = os.path.join(self.output_path, dname) os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True) else: print("Filter images missing: ", dataset) return for hfile in filter_files: name = os.path.basename(hfile).split(".")[0][:-4] ras, decs = np.ndarray((0,)), np.ndarray((0,)) with as ff: hdu = ff[1] wcs = WCS(hdu.header) footprint = wcs.calc_footprint(hdu.header) ras = np.append(ras, footprint[:, 0]) decs = np.append(decs, footprint[:, 1]) ralim = [np.max(ras), np.min(ras)] declim = [np.max(decs), np.min(decs)] radeclim = np.stack([ralim, declim], axis=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size, edgecolor="k", frameon=False) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs, frameon=False) plt.axis(False) interval = ZScaleInterval() vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits( norm = ImageNormalize(, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax * 2, clip=True) xlim, ylim = wcs.wcs_world2pix(radeclim, 1) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.imshow(, origin="lower", norm=norm, cmap="gray") imgpath = self.create_image_name(name, dataset, fgroup=outpath) plt.savefig(imgpath, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) print(f"\n\t{imgpath}.png")
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input_path", type=str, help="path to datasets directory") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_path", type=str, default=None, help="directory path to save png images", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--fname", type=str, default=None, help="csv (dataframe) fname for generating specific list of datasets", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--visit", type=str, default=None, help="specify one visit (default is None to generate images for all visit subdirectories in input_path", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--pattern", type=str, default="", help="restrict to directory paths matching a glob-based pattern, e.g. 'ia*' or 'ia*/*' for subdirectories", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--generator", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3], default=3, help="0: generate original only; 1: point-segment, 2: gaia; 3: original, point-segment, and gaia (3 separate images)", ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--size", type=int, default=24, help="figsize") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--crpt", type=int, default=0, help="set equal to 1 to also search for synthetic dataset inputs (artificially misaligned images) \ as well as format png names; default=0 (off)", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--img_type", type=str, choices=["total", "filter"], default="total", help="draw total detection (default) or filter level images", ) args = parser.parse_args() draw = DrawMosaics( args.input_path, output_path=args.output_path, fname=args.fname, visit=args.visit, pattern=args.pattern, gen=args.generator, size=(args.size, args.size), crpt=args.crpt, ) if args.img_type == "total": draw.generate_total_images() else: draw.generate_filter_images()