Source code for spacekit.generator.augment

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config
# np_config.enable_numpy_behavior()


[docs]def laplacian_noise(x): """Calculates laplacian value relative to the input. Parameters ---------- x : float input value Returns ------- float random laplacian value relative to input. """ return np.random.laplace(x)
[docs]def logistic_noise(x): """Calculates random logistic value relative to the input. Parameters ---------- x : float input value Returns ------- float random logistic value relative to input. """ return np.random.logistic(x)
[docs]def random_apply(func, x, p): """Determine whether or not to apply a transformation according to a randomly calculated probability value. Parameters ---------- func : function augmentation function to apply if random number is less than p. x : float input value p : float probability between 0 and 1 used to determine whether or not to apply the augmentation. Returns ------- float transformed input (or original input if no transformation is performed). """ r = tf.random.uniform([], minval=0, maxval=1) if r < p: return func(x) else: return x
[docs]def augment_random_noise(x): """Random application of laplacian and/or logistic noise calculated relative to the input value. Augmentation transformations are applied randomly to impose translational invariance. Parameters ---------- x : float input value Returns ------- float transformed input value """ x = random_apply(laplacian_noise, x, p=0.8) x = random_apply(logistic_noise, x, p=0.8) return x
[docs]def augment_random_integer(x): """Randomly apply augmentations to integer values. Assumes final values must be absolute/non-negative. Parameters ---------- x : int input value (integer) Returns ------- int absolute (non-negative) augmented integer """ n = np.random.randint(-1, 3) if x < 1: x = np.abs((x + n)) else: x += n return x
[docs]def augment_data(xi): """Randomly apply noise to input data. For now this function is designed for SVM ensemble MLP input data. For other uses, the function tries to determine which augmentation operation to apply according to the data type - however it may not make sense for all the inputs to be augmented (e.g. if they are binary/boolean) so this should be used with caution (future updates this will be generalized properly for other use cases). Parameters ---------- xi : numpy array 1d-array of input data Returns ------- numpy array input data with random augmentations applied """ if len(xi) == 10: return np.array( [ augment_random_integer(xi[0]), augment_random_noise(xi[1]), augment_random_noise(xi[2]), augment_random_integer(xi[3]), augment_random_noise(xi[4]), augment_random_noise(xi[5]), augment_random_integer(xi[6]), xi[7], xi[8], xi[9], ] ) else: x2 = [] for x in xi: if isinstance(x, int): x2.append(augment_random_integer(x)) elif isinstance(x, float): x2.append(augment_random_noise[x]) return np.asarray(x2)
[docs]def training_data_aug(X_train, y_train): """Perform data augmentation on the training set Parameters ---------- X_train : dataframe training set features y_train : dataframe training set target labels Returns ------- dataframes augmented training data and target labels combined with original set (2x observations) """ xtr = np.empty(X_train.shape, dtype="float32") X_train = X_train.values y_train = y_train.values for i in range(X_train.shape[0]): xtr[i] = augment_data(X_train[i]) X_train = np.concatenate([X_train, xtr]) y_train = np.concatenate([y_train, y_train]) print("X_train: ", X_train.shape) print("y_train: ", y_train.shape) return X_train, y_train
[docs]def flip_horizontal(x): """Horizontal (x-axis) image flip Parameters ---------- x : numpy array input image array Returns ------- numpy array horizontally flipped image """ x = tf.image.flip_left_right(x) return x
[docs]def flip_vertical(x): """Vertical (y-axis) image flip Parameters ---------- x : numpy array input image array Returns ------- numpy array vertically flipped image """ x = tf.image.flip_up_down(x) return x
[docs]def rotate_k(x): """Rotate image array k times by 90 degrees. K is a number between 0 and 3 determined randomly when the function is called. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array input image array Returns ------- numpy array randomly rotated image """ k = np.random.randint(3) x = tf.image.rot90(x, k) return x
[docs]def color_jitter(x, brightness=0.4, contrast=0.4, saturation=0.4, hue=None): """Randomly applies a combination of alterations to the image brightness, contrast, saturation and hue. Note: a clipping function is performed at the end since affine transformations can disturb the natural range of RGB images. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array input image array brightness : float, optional decimal percentage strength applied to brightness level, by default 0.4 contrast: float, optional decimal percentage strength applied to contrast level, by default 0.4 saturation: float, optional decimal percentage strength applied to saturation level, by default 0.4 hue: float, optional decimal percentage strength applied to hue (e.g. 0.1), by default None Returns ------- numpy array transformed image input array """ x = tf.image.random_brightness(x, max_delta=0.8 * brightness) x = tf.image.random_contrast(x, lower=1 - 0.8 * contrast, upper=1 + 0.8 * contrast) x = tf.image.random_saturation( x, lower=1 - 0.8 * saturation, upper=1 + 0.8 * saturation ) if hue is not None: x = tf.image.random_hue(x, max_delta=0.2 * hue) x = tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, 255) return x
[docs]def augment_image(x, c=None, w=128, h=128, ch=3, dim=3): """Randomly applies a series of augmentation transformations. Except for random crops, random application is required to impose translational invariance. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array input image array c : int, optional depth (product of dim and ch), by default None w : int, optional image width, by default 128 h : int, optional image height, by default 128 ch : int, optional channels, by default 3 dim : int, optional dimensions (or volume of image frames per input), by default 3 Returns ------- numpy array random augmentation of input image """ from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config np_config.enable_numpy_behavior() depth = ch * dim p = 0.5 if x.shape[-1] == depth: x = x.reshape(dim, w, h, ch) x = random_apply(flip_horizontal, x, p) x = random_apply(flip_vertical, x, p) x = random_apply(rotate_k, x, p) x = random_apply(color_jitter, x, p) if c == depth: return x.reshape(w, h, c) else: return x.reshape(dim, w, h, ch)
[docs]def expand_dims(X, dim=3, w=128, h=128, ch=3): """Expand flattened array back into its constituent dimensions. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array array of image arrays dim : int, optional dimensions (volume of image frames per input), by default 3 w : int, optional single image width, by default 128 h : int, optional single image height, by default 128 ch : int, optional channels, by default 3 Returns ------- numpy array of shape: ``(X.shape[0], dim, w, h, ch)`` Reshaped multi-dimensional image array """ return X.reshape(X.shape[0], dim, w, h, ch)
[docs]def aug_generator(X, c=9, combine=False): """Generates randomly performed image augmentations. Optionally concatenates this data with original. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array array of image arrays(pixel vlues) c : int, optional channel depth (product of dim and ch), by default 9 combine : bool, optional concatenate original with augmented data, by default False Returns ------- numpy array randomly augmented image data (merged with original data if combine set to True). """ Xa = np.empty(X.shape, dtype="float32") for i in range(X.shape[0]): Xa[i] = augment_image(X[i], c) if combine is True: Xa = np.concatenate([X, Xa]) return Xa
[docs]def image_index_labels(index, y, aug=False): """Creates Pandas Index and Series from numpy arrays (used for calculating FNFP data in ``spacekit.analyzer.compute``) Parameters ---------- index : ndarray index of image names y : ndarray target class values aug : bool, optional concatenate (double) the index for training data, by default False Returns ------- tuple of pd.Index and pd.Series inputs converted into index and series """ if aug is False: idx = pd.Index(index) y_series = pd.Series(y, index=idx) return (idx, y_series) else: # double y_train to match augmented X idx = pd.Index(np.concatenate([index, index])) y_aug = np.concatenate([y, y]) y_labels = pd.Series(y_aug, index=idx) return (idx, y_labels), y_aug
[docs]def nested_image_index(tr, ts, vl=()): """creates a list of nested tuples for training, test, and validation Indices and Index-label Series Parameters ---------- tr : tuple (training index, training index-label series) ts : tuple (test index, test index-label series) vl : tuple, optional (val index, val index-label series), by default () Returns ------- list list of nested tuples [(indices), (tuples)] """ if len(vl) > 0: indices = (tr[0], ts[0], vl[0]) labels = (tr[1], ts[1], vl[1]) else: indices = (tr[0], ts[0]) labels = (tr[1], ts[1]) return [indices, labels]
[docs]def training_img_aug(train, test, val=None, dim=3, w=128, h=128, ch=3): """Perform image data augmentation on the training set Parameters ---------- train : tuple training set tuple of (train_index, X_train, y_train) test : tuple test set tuple of (test_index, X_test, y_test) val : tuple, optional val set tuple of (val_index, X_val, y_val), by default None dim : int, optional dimensions (volume or number of image frames per observation), by default 3 w : int, optional single image width, by default 128 h : int, optional single image height, by default 128 ch : int, optional channels (rgb: 3, grayscale: 1), by default 3 Returns ------- list of tuples of Pandas Index, numpy arrays combined image index of train, test, val; combined original and augmented training data, reshaped test and val data. If no validation data is passed in the ``val`` arg, then only train and test are returned. """ depth = ch * dim X_tr = aug_generator(train[1], c=depth, combine=True) X_tr = expand_dims(X_tr, dim=dim, w=w, h=h, ch=ch) y_train_idx, y_tr = image_index_labels(train[0], train[2], aug=True) train = (X_tr, y_tr) X_ts = expand_dims(test[1], dim=dim, w=w, h=h, ch=ch) y_test_idx = image_index_labels(test[0], test[2]) test = (X_ts, test[2]) if val is not None and len(val[0]) > 0: X_vl = expand_dims(val[1], dim=dim, w=w, h=h, ch=ch) y_val_idx = image_index_labels(val[0], val[2]) val = (X_vl, val[2]) else: y_val_idx = () img_idx = nested_image_index(y_train_idx, y_test_idx, vl=y_val_idx) return img_idx, train, test, val