Source code for spacekit.extractor.scrape

import os
import boto3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import collections
import glob
import sys
import json
import csv
from zipfile import ZipFile
from import fits, ascii
from botocore.config import Config
from decimal import Decimal
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr

    from keras.utils import get_file
except ImportError:
        from keras.utils.data_utils import get_file
    except ImportError:
        get_file = None

from spacekit.logger.log import Logger

retry_config = Config(retries={"max_attempts": 3})
client = boto3.client("s3", config=retry_config)
dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", config=retry_config, region_name="us-east-1")
# below are maintained for backwards compatibility with static methods
s3 = boto3.resource("s3", config=retry_config)
client = boto3.client("s3", config=retry_config)

SPACEKIT_DATA = os.environ.get("SPACEKIT_DATA", "~/spacekit_data")

def home_data_base(data_home=None):
    """Borrowed from ``sklearn.datasets._base.get_data_home`` function: Return the path of the spacekit
    data dir, and create one if not existing. Folder path can be set explicitly using ``data_home`` kwarg,
    otherwise it looks for the 'SPACEKIT_DATA' environment variable, or defaults to 'spacekit_data' in the
    user home directory (the '~' symbol is expanded to the user's home folder).

    data_home : str, optional
        The path to spacekit data directory, by default `None` (will return `~/spacekit_data`)

    data_home: str
        The path to spacekit data directory, defaults to `~/spacekit_data`
    SPACEKIT_DATA = os.environ.get("SPACEKIT_DATA", "~/spacekit_data")
    if SPACEKIT_DATA == "":
        SPACEKIT_DATA = "~/spacekit_data"
    if data_home is None:
        data_home = os.environ.get(SPACEKIT_DATA, os.path.expanduser("~/spacekit_data"))
        data_home = os.path.abspath(data_home)
        os.makedirs(data_home, exist_ok=True)
    except Exception as e:
    return data_home

def scrape_catalogs(input_path, name, sfx="point"):
    if sfx != "ref":
        cfiles = glob.glob(f"{input_path}/{name}_{sfx}-cat.ecsv")
        if len(cfiles) > 0 and os.path.exists(cfiles[0]):
            cat =[0]).to_pandas()
            if len(cat) > 0:
                flagcols = [c for c in cat.columns if "Flags" in c]
                if len(flagcols) > 0:
                    flags = cat.loc[:, flagcols]
                    return flags[flags.values <= 5].shape[0]
            return 0
        cfiles = glob.glob(f"{input_path}/ref_cat.ecsv")
        if len(cfiles) > 0 and os.path.exists(cfiles[0]):
            cat =[0]).to_pandas()
            return len(cat)

def format_hst_cal_row_item(row):
    row["timestamp"] = int(row["timestamp"])
    row["x_files"] = float(row["x_files"])
    row["x_size"] = float(row["x_size"])
    row["bin_pred"] = float(row["bin_pred"])
    row["mem_pred"] = float(row["mem_pred"])
    row["wall_pred"] = float(row["wall_pred"])
    row["wc_mean"] = float(row["wc_mean"])
    row["wc_std"] = float(row["wc_std"])
    row["wc_err"] = float(row["wc_err"])
    return row

[docs]class Scraper: """Parent Class for various data scraping subclasses. Instantiating the appropriate subclass is preferred.""" def __init__( self, cache_dir="~", cache_subdir="data", format="zip", extract=True, clean=True, name="Scraper", **log_kws, ): """Instantiates a spacekit.extractor.scrape.Scraper object. Parameters ---------- cache_dir : str, optional parent folder to save data, by default "~" cache_subdir : str, optional save data in a subfolder one directory below `cache_dir`, by default "data" format : str, optional archive format type, by default "zip" extract : bool, optional extract the contents of the compressed archive file, by default True """ self.cache_dir = self.check_cache(cache_dir) # root path for downloads (home) self.cache_subdir = cache_subdir # subfolder self.format = format self.extract = extract # extract if zip/tar archive self.outpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, self.cache_subdir) self.clean = clean # delete archive if extract successful self.source = None self.fpaths = [] self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__, **log_kws).spacekit_logger()
[docs] def check_cache(self, cache): if cache == "~": return os.path.expanduser(cache) elif cache == ".": return os.path.abspath(".") elif cache is None: return home_data_base() else: return os.path.abspath(cache)
[docs] def extract_archives(self): """Extract the contents of the compressed archive file(s). TODO: extract other archive types (.tar, .tgz) Returns ------- list paths to downloaded and extracted dataset files """ extracted_fpaths = [] if not self.fpaths: return elif str(self.fpaths[0]).split(".")[-1] != "zip": return self.fpaths os.makedirs(self.outpath, exist_ok=True) for z in self.fpaths: with ZipFile(z, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(self.outpath) # check successful extraction before deleting archive fname = str(z).split(".")[0] extracted = os.path.join(self.outpath, fname) if os.path.exists(extracted): extracted_fpaths.append(extracted) if self.clean is True: os.remove(z) self.fpaths = extracted_fpaths return self.fpaths
[docs] def compress_files(self, target_folder, fname=None, compression="zip"): if fname is None: fname = os.path.basename(target_folder) + f".{compression}" else: fname = os.path.basename(fname).split(".")[0] + f".{compression}" archive_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, fname) file_paths = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(target_folder): for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) file_paths.append(filepath) print("Zipping files:") with ZipFile(archive_path, "w") as zip_ref: for file in file_paths: zip_ref.write(file) return
[docs]class FileScraper(Scraper): """Scraper subclass used to search and extract files on local disk that match regex/glob pattern(s). Parameters ---------- Scraper : spacekit.extractor.scrape.Scraper object parent Scraper class """ def __init__( self, search_path="", search_patterns=["*.zip"], cache_dir="~", cache_subdir="data", format="zip", extract=True, clean=False, name="FileScraper", **log_kws, ): """Instantiates a spacekit.extractor.scrape.FileScraper object. Parameters ---------- search_path : str, optional top-level path to search through, by default "" search_patterns : list, optional glob pattern strings, by default ``["*.zip"]`` cache_dir : str, optional parent folder to save data, by default "~" cache_subdir : str, optional save data in a subfolder one directory below `cache_dir`, by default "data" format : str, optional archive format type, by default "zip" extract : bool, optional extract the contents of the compressed archive file, by default True clean : bool, optional remove compressed file after extraction, by default False name : str, optional logging name, by default "FileScraper" """ super().__init__( cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir, format=format, extract=extract, clean=clean, name=name, **log_kws, ) self.search_path = search_path self.search_patterns = search_patterns self.fpaths = [] self.source = "file"
[docs] def scrape(self): """Search local disk for files matching glob regex pattern(s) Returns ------- list paths to dataset files found in glob pattern search """ for p in self.search_patterns: results = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.search_path), p) if len(results) > 0: for r in results: self.fpaths.append(r) if self.extract is True: self.fpaths = super().extract_archives return self.fpaths
[docs]class WebScraper(Scraper): """Scraper subclass for extracting publicly available data off the web. Parameters ---------- Scraper : class spacekit.extractor.scrape.Scraper object """ def __init__( self, uri, dataset, hash_algorithm="md5", cache_dir="~", cache_subdir="data", format="zip", extract=True, clean=True, **log_kws, ): """Uses dictionary of uri, filename and hash key-value pairs to download data securely from a website such as Github. Parameters ---------- uri : string root uri (web address) dataset : dictionary key-pair values of each dataset's filenames and hash keys hash_algorithm : str, optional type of hash key algorithm used, by default "sha256" cache_dir : str, optional parent folder to save data, by default "~" cache_subdir : str, optional save data in a subfolder one directory below `cache_dir`, by default "data" format : str, optional archive format type, by default "zip" extract : bool, optional extract the contents of the compressed archive file, by default True clean : bool, optional remove compressed file after extraction """ super().__init__( cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir, format=format, extract=extract, clean=clean, name="WebScraper", **log_kws, ) self.uri = uri self.dataset = dataset self.hash_algorithm = hash_algorithm self.source = "web" self.fpaths = []
[docs] def scrape(self): """Using the key-pair values in `dataset` dictionary attribute, download the files from a github repo and check the hash keys match before extracting. Extraction and hash-key checking is handled externally by the `keras.utils.data_utils.get_file` method. If extraction is successful, the archive file will be deleted. Returns ------- list paths to downloaded and extracted files """ for _, data in self.dataset.items(): fname = data["fname"] origin = f"{self.uri}/{fname}" chksum = data["hash"] fpath = get_file( origin=origin, file_hash=chksum, hash_algorithm=self.hash_algorithm, cache_dir=self.cache_dir, cache_subdir=self.cache_subdir, extract=self.extract, archive_format=self.format, ) extracted = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fpath), data["key"]) # extracted = str(os.path.relpath(fpath)).split(".")[0] self.fpaths.append(os.path.relpath(extracted)) if self.clean is True and os.path.exists( extracted ): # deletes archive if extraction was successful os.remove(fpath) return self.fpaths
[docs]class S3Scraper(Scraper): """Scraper subclass for extracting data from an AWS s3 bucket (requires AWS credentials with permissions to access the bucket.) Parameters ---------- Scraper : class spacekit.extractor.scrape.Scraper object """ def __init__( self, bucket, pfx="archive", dataset=None, cache_dir="~", cache_subdir="data", format="zip", extract=True, **log_kws, ): """Instantiates a spacekit.extractor.scrape.S3Scraper object Parameters ---------- bucket : string s3 bucket name pfx : str, optional aws bucket prefix (subfolder uri path), by default "archive" dataset : dictionary, optional key-value pairs of dataset filenames and prefixes, by default None cache_dir : str, optional parent folder to save data, by default "~" cache_subdir : str, optional save data in a subfolder one directory below `cache_dir`, by default "data" format : str, optional archive format type, by default "zip" extract : bool, optional extract the contents of the compressed archive file, by default True """ super().__init__( cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir, format=format, extract=extract, name="S3Scraper", **log_kws, ) self.bucket = bucket self.pfx = pfx self.dataset = dataset self.fpaths = [] self.source = "s3" self.s3 = boto3.resource("s3", config=retry_config) self.client = boto3.client("s3", config=retry_config) self.aws_kwargs = self.authorize_aws()
[docs] def authorize_aws(self): self.aws_kwargs = dict( region_name=os.environ.get("AWS_REGION_NAME", "us-east-1"), aws_access_key_id=os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", ""), aws_secret_access_key=os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", ""), aws_session_token=os.environ.get("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", ""), ) self.s3 = boto3.resource("s3", config=retry_config, **self.aws_kwargs) self.client = boto3.client("s3", config=retry_config, **self.aws_kwargs)
[docs] def make_s3_keys( self, fnames=[ "", "", "", ], ): """Generates a `dataset` dictionary attribute containing the filename-uriprefix key-value pairs. Parameters ---------- fnames : list, optional dataset archive file names typically consisting of a hyphenated date and timestamp string when the data was generated (automatically the case for saved spacekit.analyzer.compute.Computer objects), by default [ """", "" ] Returns ------- dict key-value pairs of dataset archive filenames and their parent folder prefix name """ self.dataset = {} for fname in fnames: key = fname.split(".")[0] fname = key + ".zip" self.dataset[key] = {"fname": fname, "pfx": self.pfx} return self.dataset
[docs] def scrape_s3_file(self, fpath, obj): with open(fpath, "wb") as f: self.client.download_fileobj(self.bucket, obj, f) self.fpaths.append(fpath)
[docs] def scrape(self): """Downloads files from s3 using the configured boto3 client. Calls the `extract_archive` method for automatic extraction of file contents if object's `extract` attribute is set to True. Returns ------- list paths to downloaded and extracted files """ err = None for _, d in self.dataset.items(): fname = d["fname"] obj = f"{self.pfx}/{fname}""s3://{self.bucket}/{obj}") fpath = f"{self.cache_dir}/{self.cache_subdir}/{fname}" try: self.scrape_s3_file(fpath, obj) except Exception as e: err = e continue if err is not None: self.log.error(err) elif self.extract is True: if self.format == "zip": self.fpaths = super().extract_archives() return self.fpaths
[docs] @staticmethod def s3_upload(keys, bucket_name, prefix): err = None for key in keys: obj = f"{prefix}/{key}" # training/date-timestamp/filename try: with open(f"{key}", "rb") as f: client.upload_fileobj(f, bucket_name, obj) print(f"Uploaded: {obj}") except Exception as e: err = e continue if err is not None: print(err)
[docs] @staticmethod def s3_download(keys, bucket_name, prefix): err = None for key in keys: obj = f"{prefix}/{key}" # latest/master.csv print("s3 key: ", obj) try: with open(f"{key}", "wb") as f: client.download_fileobj(bucket_name, obj, f) except Exception as e: err = e continue if err is not None: print(err)
[docs] def import_dataset(self): """import job metadata file from s3 bucket""" bucket = self.s3.Bucket(self.bucket) obj = bucket.Object(self.pfx) input_data = {} body = None self.log.debug(f"Streaming from s3://{self.bucket}/{self.pfx}") try: body = obj.get()["Body"].read().splitlines() for line in body: k, v = str(line).strip("b'").split("=") input_data[k] = v except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) sys.exit(3) self.log.debug("Input data scraped successfully.") return input_data
class DynamoDBScraper(Scraper): """Scraper subclass for extracting data from an AWS DynamoDB table (requires AWS credentials with permissions to access the table.) Parameters ---------- Scraper : class spacekit.extractor.scrape.Scraper object """ def __init__( self, table_name, attr=None, fname="batch.csv", formatter=format_hst_cal_row_item, cache_dir="~", cache_subdir="data", format="zip", extract=True, clean=True, **log_kws, ): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- table_name : str name of the DynamoDB table attr : dict, optional used for building a filter expression (see ``make_fxp``), by default None fname : str, optional path or string of filename to save data, by default "batch.csv" formatter : function, optional formatting function to use, by default format_hst_cal_row_item cache_dir : str, optional parent folder to save data, by default "~" cache_subdir : str, optional save data in a subfolder one directory below `cache_dir`, by default "data" format : str, optional archive format type, by default "zip" extract : bool, optional extract the contents of the compressed archive file, by default True clean : bool, optional remove compressed file after extraction """ super().__init__( cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir, format=format, extract=extract, clean=clean, name="DynamoDBScraper", **log_kws, ) self.table_name = table_name self.attr = attr self.fname = fname self.formatter = formatter self.ddb_data = None self.fpath = None def get_keys(self, items): keys = set([]) for item in items: keys = keys.union(set(item.keys())) return keys def make_fxp(self): """ Generates filter expression based on attributes dict to retrieve a subset of the database using conditional operators and keyword pairs. Returns dict containing filter expression which can be passed into the dynamodb table.scan() method. Args: `name` : one of db column names ('timestamp', 'mem_bin', etc.) `method`: begins_with, between, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte `value`: str, int, float or low/high list of values if using 'between' method Ex: to retrieve a subset of data with 'timestamp' col greater than 1620740441: setting attr={'name':'timestamp', 'method': 'gt', 'value': 1620740441} returns dict: {'FilterExpression': Attr('timestamp').gt(0)} """ # table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('mem_bin').gt(2)) n = self.attr["name"] m = self.attr["method"] if self.attr["type"] == "int": v = [int(a.strip()) for a in self.attr["value"].split(",")] elif self.attr["type"] == "float": v = [float(a.strip()) for a in self.attr["value"].split(",")] else: v = [str(a.strip()) for a in self.attr["value"].split(",")] print(f"DDB Subset: {n} - {m} - {v}") if m == "eq": fxp = Attr(n).eq(v[0]) elif m == "gt": fxp = Attr(n).gt(v[0]) elif m == "gte": fxp = Attr(n).gte(v[0]) elif m == "lt": fxp = Attr(n).lt(v[0]) elif m == "lte": fxp = Attr(n).lte(v[0]) elif m == "begins_with": fxp = Attr(n).begins_with(v[0]) elif m == "between": fxp = Attr(n).between(np.min(v), np.max(v)) return {"FilterExpression": fxp} def ddb_download(self, attr=None): """retrieves data from dynamodb Args: table_name: dynamodb table name p_key: (default is 'ipst') primary key in dynamodb table attr: (optional) retrieve a subset using an attribute dictionary If attr is none, returns all items in database. """ table = dynamodb.Table(self.table_name) key_set = ["ipst"] # primary key if attr: scan_kwargs = self.make_fxp(attr) raw_data = table.scan(**scan_kwargs) else: raw_data = table.scan() if raw_data is None: return None items = raw_data["Items"] fieldnames = set([]).union(self.get_keys(items)) while raw_data.get("LastEvaluatedKey"): print("Downloading ", end="") if attr: raw_data = table.scan( ExclusiveStartKey=raw_data["LastEvaluatedKey"], **scan_kwargs ) else: raw_data = table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=raw_data["LastEvaluatedKey"]) items.extend(raw_data["Items"]) fieldnames - fieldnames.union(self.get_keys(items)) print("\nTotal downloaded records: {}".format(len(items))) for f in fieldnames: if f not in key_set: key_set.append(f) self.ddb_data = {"items": items, "keys": key_set} return self.ddb_data def write_to_csv(self): self.fpath = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, self.cache_subdir, self.fname) with open(self.fpath, "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, delimiter=",", fieldnames=self.ddb_data["keys"], quotechar='"' ) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(self.ddb_data["items"]) print(f"DDB data saved to: {self.fpath}") def format_row_item(self, row): row = self.formatter(row) return json.loads( json.dumps(row, allow_nan=True), parse_int=Decimal, parse_float=Decimal ) def write_to_dynamo(self, rows): try: table = dynamodb.Table(self.table_name) except Exception as e: print( "Error loading DynamoDB table. Check if table was created correctly and environment variable." ) print(e) try: with table.batch_writer() as batch: for i in range(len(rows)): batch.put_item(Item=rows[i]) except Exception as e: print("Error executing batch_writer") print(e) def batch_ddb_writer(self, key): input_file = csv.DictReader(open(key)) batch_size = 100 batch = [] for row in input_file: item = self.format_row_item(row) if len(batch) >= batch_size: self.write_to_dynamo(batch) batch.clear() batch.append(item) if batch: self.write_to_dynamo(batch) return {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps("Uploaded to DynamoDB Table")} class FitsScraper(FileScraper): """FileScraper subclass used to search and extract FITS files on local disk Parameters ---------- FileScraper : spacekit.extractor.scrape.FileScraper object parent FileScraper class """ def __init__( self, data, input_path, genkeys=[], scikeys=[], name="FitsScraper", **log_kws ): """Instantiates a spacekit.extractor.scrape.FitsScraper object. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame dataframe of visits, datasets, exposures, etc. input_path : str directory path containing fits files genkeys : list, optional general header keys to scrape, by default [] scikeys : list, optional science header keys to scrape, by default [] name : str, optional logging name, by default "FitsScraper" """ super().__init__(name=name, **log_kws) self.df = data.copy() self.input_path = input_path self.genkeys = genkeys self.scikeys = scikeys self.fpaths = None def get_input_exposures(self, pfx="", sfx="_uncal.fits"): """create list of local paths to L1B exposure files for a given program Parameters ---------- input_path : path or str directory path containing input exposure files pfx : str, optional filename prefix to search for, by default "" sfx : str, optional file suffix to search for, by default "uncal.fits" Returns ------- list Paths to (typically uncalibrated) input exposure .fits files in this program/visit """ fpaths = glob.glob(f"{os.path.expanduser(self.input_path)}/{pfx}*{sfx}") if not fpaths: fpaths = glob.glob(f"{os.path.expanduser(self.input_path)}/*/{pfx}*{sfx}") return fpaths def scrape_fits_headers(self, fpaths=None, **kwargs): """scrape values from ext=0 general info header (genkeys) and ext=1 science header (scikeys) Parameters ---------- fpaths : list, optional list of fits file paths Returns ------- dict exposure header info scraped from fits files """"Extracting fits data...") if fpaths is None: fpaths = self.get_input_exposures(**kwargs) exp_headers = {} for fpath in fpaths: try: fname = str(os.path.basename(fpath)) sfx = fname.split("_")[-1] # _uncal.fits name = fname.replace(f"_{sfx}", "") exp_headers[name] = dict() if self.genkeys: genhdr = fits.getheader(fpath, ext=0) for g in self.genkeys: exp_headers[name][g] = genhdr[g] if g in genhdr else "NaN" if self.scikeys: scihdr = fits.getheader(fpath, ext=1) for s in self.scikeys: exp_headers[name][s] = scihdr[s] if s in scihdr else "NaN" except Exception: del exp_headers[name] continue return exp_headers def scrape_dataframe(self, dnames=None, dname_col="dname"): if dnames is None: dnames = list(self.df[dname_col]) exp_headers = {} for name in dnames: try: data = self.df.loc[name] exp_headers[name] = dict() if self.genkeys: for g in self.genkeys: exp_headers[name][g] = data[g] if g in self.df.columns else "NaN" if self.scikeys: for s in self.scikeys: exp_headers[name][s] = data[s] if s in self.df.columns else "NaN" except Exception: del exp_headers[name] continue return exp_headers def find_drz_paths(self, dname_col="dataset", drzimg_col="imgname"): """Looks for SVM input files based on information contained in the ``self.df`` attribute. Input paths for files are constructed using the ``dname_col`` and ``drzimg_col`` along with the ``self.input_path`` attribute. Parameters ---------- dname_col : str, optional name of the column containing dataset names, by default "dataset" drzimg_col : str, optional name of the column containing image filenames, by default "imgname" Returns ------- list absolute paths to all SVM fits files located. """ if not self.fpaths: self.fpaths = dict() try: for idx, row in self.df.iterrows(): self.fpaths[idx] = "" dname = row[dname_col] drz = row[drzimg_col] path = os.path.join(self.input_path, dname, drz) self.fpaths[idx] = path except Exception: self.log.error("Unable to locate drizzle files from dataframe.") return self.fpaths def scrape_drizzle_fits(self): """Scrape sciheaders of SVM input exposures located using ``self.find_drz_paths``. Specific sciheader keys extracted are set in the ``self.scikeys`` attribute. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame dataframe with extracted fits header information for each dataset """ if not self.fpaths: self.fpaths = self.find_drz_paths()"*** Extracting fits data ***") fits_dct = {} for key, path in self.fpaths.items(): fits_dct[key] = {} scihdr = fits.getheader(path, ext=1) for k in self.scikeys: if k in scihdr: if k == "wcstype": wcs = " ".join(scihdr[k].split(" ")[1:3]) fits_dct[key][k] = wcs else: fits_dct[key][k] = scihdr[k] else: fits_dct[key][k] = 0 fits_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fits_dct, orient="index") self.df = self.df.join(fits_data, how="left") return self.df class JwstFitsScraper(FitsScraper): """FitsScraper subclass used to search and extract JWST Fits files on local disk Parameters ---------- FitsScraper : spacekit.extractor.scrape.FitsScraper object parent FitsScraper class """ def __init__(self, input_path, data=None, pfx="", sfx="_uncal.fits", **log_kws): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- input_path : str or path directory path containing input exposure files data : pd.DataFrame, optional dataframe of visits, datasets, exposures, etc., by default None pfx : str, optional filename prefix to search for, by default "" sfx : str, optional file suffix to search for, by default "uncal.fits" """ self.genkeys = self.general_header_keys() self.scikeys = self.science_header_keys() if data is None: data = pd.DataFrame() super().__init__( data, input_path, genkeys=self.genkeys, scikeys=self.scikeys, name="JwstFitsScraper", **log_kws, ) self.pfx = pfx self.sfx = sfx self.fpaths = super().get_input_exposures(pfx=self.pfx, sfx=self.sfx) self.exp_headers = None def general_header_keys(self): """General header key names to scrape from input exposure fits files. Returns ------- list list of key names to scrape from fits header extension 0. """ return [ "PROGRAM", # Program number "OBSERVTN", # Observation number "NEXPOSUR", # number of exposures "BKGDTARG", # Background target "IS_IMPRT", # NIRSpec imprint exposure "VISITYPE", # Visit type "TSOVISIT", # Time Series Observation visit indicator "TARGNAME", # Standard astronomical catalog name for target "TARG_RA", # Target RA at mid time of exposure "TARG_DEC", # Target Dec at mid time of exposure "INSTRUME", # Instrument used to acquire the data "DETECTOR", # Name of detector used to acquire the data "FILTER", # Name of the filter element used "PUPIL", # Name of the pupil element used "GRATING", # Name of the grating element used (SPEC) "FXD_SLIT", # Name of fixed slit aperture used "EXP_TYPE", # Type of data in the exposure "CHANNEL", # Instrument channel "BAND", # MRS wavelength band "SUBARRAY", # Subarray used "NUMDTHPT", # Total number of points in pattern "GS_RA", # guide star right ascension "GS_DEC", # guide star declination "GS_MAG", # guide star magnitude in FGS detector "CROWDFLD", # Are the FGSes in a crowded field? ] def science_header_keys(self): """Science header key names to scrape from input exposure fits files science headers. Returns ------- list list of key names to scrape from fits header science extension headers. """ return [ "RA_REF", "DEC_REF", "CRVAL1", "CRVAL2", ] def scrape_fits(self): """invokes parent class method ``scrape_fits_headers`` using pre-set JWST attributes. Returns ------- dict exposure header metadata scraped from fits files on local disk """ self.exp_headers = super().scrape_fits_headers(fpaths=self.fpaths) return self.exp_headers class SvmFitsScraper(FitsScraper): """FitsScraper subclass used to search and extract HST SVM Fits files on local disk Parameters ---------- FitsScraper : spacekit.extractor.scrape.FitsScraper object parent FitsScraper class """ def __init__(self, data, input_path, **log_kws): """Initializes an SvmFitsScraper class object. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame data containing visit or dataset names input_path : str or path input path containing fits files to scrape """ self.scikeys = ["rms_ra", "rms_dec", "nmatches", "wcstype"] super().__init__( data, input_path, scikeys=self.scikeys, name="SvmFitsScraper", **log_kws ) self.fpaths = self.find_drz_paths(dname_col="dataset", drzimg_col="imgname") def scrape_fits(self): """Invokes parent class method ``scrape_drizzle_fits`` using pre-set attributes specific to HST SVM data. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame dataframe with extracted fits header information for each dataset """ return self.scrape_drizzle_fits()
[docs]class JsonScraper(FileScraper): """Searches local files using glob pattern(s) to scrape JSON file data. Optionally can store data in h5 file (default) and/or CSV file; The JSON harvester method returns a Pandas dataframe. This class can also be used to load an h5 file. CREDIT: Majority of the code here was repurposed into a class object from ``Drizzlepac.hap_utils.json_harvester`` - multiple customizations were needed for specific machine learning preprocessing that would be outside the scope of Drizzlepac's primary intended use-cases, hence why the code is now here in a stripped down version instead of submitted as a PR to the original repo. That, and the need to avoid including Drizzlepac as a dependency for spacekit, since spacekit is meant to be used for testing Drizzlepac's SVM processing... Parameters ---------- FileScraper : spacekit.extractor.scrape.FileScraper parent FileScraper class """ def __init__( self, search_path=os.getcwd(), search_patterns=["*_total_*_svm_*.json"], file_basename="svm_data", crpt=0, save_csv=False, store_h5=True, h5_file=None, output_path=None, **log_kws, ): """Initializes a JsonScraper class object Parameters ---------- search_path : _type_, optional The full path of the directory that will be searched for json files to process, by default os.getcwd() search_patterns : list, optional list of glob patterns to use for search, by default ["*_total_*_svm_*.json"] file_basename : str, optional Name of the output file basename (filename without the extension) for the Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) .h5 file that the DataFrame will be written to, by default "svm_data" crpt : int, optional Uses extended dataframe index name to differentiate from normal svm data, by default 0 save_csv : bool, optional store h5 data into a CSV file, by default False store_h5 : bool, optional save data in hdf5 format, by default True h5_file : str or path, optional load from a saved hdf5 file on local disk, by default None output_path : str or path, optional where to save the data, by default None """ super().__init__( search_path=search_path, search_patterns=search_patterns, name="JsonScraper", **log_kws, ) self.file_basename = file_basename self.crpt = crpt self.save_csv = save_csv self.store_h5 = store_h5 self.h5_file = h5_file self.output_path = os.getcwd() if output_path is None else output_path self.keyword_shortlist = [ "TARGNAME", "DEC_TARG", "RA_TARG", "NUMEXP", "imgname", "Number of GAIA sources.Number of GAIA sources", "number_of_sources.point", "number_of_sources.segment", ] self.json_dict = None = None # self.json_harvester() # self.h5_file = None # self.h5store()
[docs] def flatten_dict(self, dd, separator=".", prefix=""): """Recursive subroutine to flatten nested dictionaries down into a single-layer dictionary. Borrowed from Drizzlepac, which borrowed it from: Parameters ---------- dd : dict dictionary to flatten separator : str, optional separator character used in constructing flattened dictionary key names from multiple recursive elements. Default value is '.' prefix : str, optional flattened dictionary key prefix. Default value is an empty string (''). Returns ------- dictionary a version of input dictionary *dd* that has been flattened by one layer """ return ( { prefix + separator + k if prefix else k: v for kk, vv in dd.items() for k, v in self.flatten_dict(vv, separator, kk).items() } if isinstance(dd, dict) else {prefix: dd} )
[docs] def read_json_file(self, json_filename): """extracts header and data sections from specified json file and returns the header and data (in its original pre-json format) as a nested ordered dictionary Supported output data types: - all basic single-value python data types (float, int, string, Boolean, etc.) - lists - simple key-value dictionaries and ordered dictionaries - multi-layer nested dictionaries and ordered dictionaries - tuples - numpy arrays - astropy tables Parameters ---------- json_filename : str Name of the json file to extract data from Returns ------- dictionary out_dict structured similarly to self.out_dict with separate 'header' and 'data' keys. The information stored in the 'data' section will be in the same format that it was in before it was serialized and stored as a json file. """ if os.path.exists(json_filename): out_dict = collections.OrderedDict() with open(json_filename) as f: json_data = json.load(f) out_dict["header"] = json_data[ "header" ] # copy over the 'header' section directly. out_dict["general information"] = json_data["general information"] out_dict["data"] = collections.OrderedDict() # set up blank data section for datakey in json_data["data"].keys(): if ( json_data["data"][datakey]["original format"] == "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>" ): # Extract numpy array "Converting dataset '{}' back to format '{}', dtype = {}".format( datakey, json_data["data"][datakey]["original format"], json_data["data"][datakey]["dtype"], ) ) out_dict["data"][datakey] = np.asarray( json_data["data"][datakey]["data"], dtype=json_data["data"][datakey]["dtype"], ) elif ( json_data["data"][datakey]["original format"] == "<class 'tuple'>" ): # Extract tuples out_dict["data"][datakey] = tuple( json_data["data"][datakey]["data"] ) else: # Catchall for everything else out_dict["data"][datakey] = json_data["data"][datakey]["data"] else: errmsg = "json file {} not found!".format(json_filename) self.log.error(errmsg) raise Exception(errmsg) return out_dict
[docs] def get_json_files(self): """Uses glob to create a list of json files to harvest. This function looks for all the json files containing qa test results generated by `runastrodriz` and `runsinglehap`. The search starts in the directory specified in the `search_path` parameter, but will look in immediate sub-directories as well if no json files are located in the directory specified by `search_path`. Returns ------- ordered dictionary out_json_dict containing lists of all identified json files, grouped by and keyed by Pandas DataFrame index value. """ # set up search string and use glob to get list of files json_list = [] for search_pattern in self.search_patterns: search_string = os.path.join(self.search_path, search_pattern) search_results = glob.glob(search_string) if len(search_results) == 0: search_string = os.path.join(self.search_path, "*", search_pattern) search_results = glob.glob(search_string) "{} files found: {}".format(search_pattern, len(search_results)) ) if len(search_results) > 0: json_list += search_results # store json filenames in a dictionary keyed by Pandas DataFrame index value if json_list: self.json_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for json_filename in sorted(json_list): json_data = self.read_json_file(json_filename) dataframe_idx = json_data["general information"]["dataframe_index"] """***ADAPTED FOR MACHINE LEARNING ARTIFICIAL CORRUPTION FILES***""" if self.crpt == 1: mm = "_".join(os.path.dirname(json_filename).split("_")[1:]) idx = f"{dataframe_idx}_{mm}" else: idx = dataframe_idx if idx in self.json_dict.keys(): self.json_dict[idx].append(json_filename) else: self.json_dict[idx] = [json_filename] del json_data # Housekeeping! # Fail gracefully if no .json files were found else: err_msg = "No .json files were found!" self.log.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) return self.json_dict
[docs] def h5store(self, **kwargs): """Store pandas Dataframe to an HDF5 file on local disk. Returns ------- string path to stored h5 file """ if self.store_h5 is False: return fname = self.file_basename.split(".")[0] + ".h5" self.h5_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, fname) if is not None: if os.path.exists(self.h5_file): self.log.warning("Overwriting existing h5 file.") os.remove(self.h5_file) store = pd.HDFStore(self.h5_file) store.put("mydata", store.get_storer("mydata").attrs.metadata = kwargs store.close() "Wrote dataframe and metadata to HDF5 file {}".format(self.h5_file) ) else: print("Data unavailable - run `json_scraper` to collect json data.") return self.h5_file
[docs] def load_h5_file(self): """Loads dataframe from an H5 on local disk Returns ------- dataframe data loaded from an H5 file and stored in a dataframe object attribute. Raises ------ Exception Requested file not found """ if self.h5_file is None: self.h5_file = os.path.join(self.output_path, self.file_basename + ".h5") elif not self.h5_file.endswith(".h5"): self.h5_file += ".h5" if not os.path.exists(self.h5_file): h5_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, self.h5_file) if os.path.exists(h5_path): self.h5_file = h5_path try: with pd.HDFStore(self.h5_file) as store: = store["mydata"]"Dataframe created: {}") except Exception as e: print(e) errmsg = "HDF5 file {} not found!".format(self.h5_file) self.log.error(errmsg) raise Exception(errmsg) return
[docs] def json_harvester(self): """Main calling function to harvest json files matching the search pattern and store in dictionaries which are then combined into a single dataframe. Returns ------- dataframe dataset created by scraping data from json files on local disk. """ # Get sorted list of json files = None # extract all information from all json files related to a specific Pandas DataFrame index value into a # single line in the master dataframe self.json_dict = self.get_json_files() num_json = len(self.json_dict) for n, idx in enumerate(self.json_dict.keys()): if ((n / num_json) % 0.1) == 0:"Harvested {num_json} of the JSON files") ingest_dict = self.make_dataframe_line(self.json_dict[idx]) if ingest_dict: if is not None: self.log.debug("APPENDED DATAFRAME") = pd.DataFrame(ingest_dict["data"], index=[idx]) ) else: self.log.debug("CREATED DATAFRAME") = pd.DataFrame(ingest_dict["data"], index=[idx]) self.write_to_csv() self.h5store() return
[docs] def write_to_csv(self): """optionally write dataframe out to .csv file.""" if not self.save_csv: return output_csv_filename = self.h5_filename.replace(".h5", ".csv") if os.path.exists(output_csv_filename): self.log.warning("Overwriting existing CSV") os.remove(output_csv_filename)"Wrote dataframe to csv file {}".format(output_csv_filename))
[docs] def make_dataframe_line(self, json_filename_list): """Extracts information from the json files specified by the input list *json_filename_list*. Main difference between this and the original Drizzlepac source code is a much more limited collection of data: descriptions and units are not collected; only a handful of specific keyword values are scraped from general information and header extensions. Parameters ---------- json_filename_list : list list of json files to process Returns ------- ingest_dict : collections.OrderedDict ordered dictionary containing all information extracted from json files specified by the input list *json_filename_list*. """ # self.log.setLevel(self.log_level) header_ingested = False gen_info_ingested = False ingest_dict = collections.OrderedDict() ingest_dict["data"] = collections.OrderedDict() for json_filename in json_filename_list: # This is to differentiate point catalog compare_sourcelists columns from segment catalog # compare_sourcelists columns in the dataframe if json_filename.endswith("_point-cat_svm_compare_sourcelists.json"): title_suffix = "hap_vs_hla_point_" elif json_filename.endswith("_segment-cat_svm_compare_sourcelists.json"): title_suffix = "hap_vs_hla_segment_" else: title_suffix = "" json_data = self.read_json_file(json_filename) # add information from "header" section to ingest_dict just once if not header_ingested: # filter out ALL header keywords not included in 'keyword_shortlist' for header_item in json_data["header"].keys(): if header_item in self.keyword_shortlist: # if header_item in header_keywords_to_keep: ingest_dict["data"]["header." + header_item] = json_data[ "header" ][header_item] header_ingested = True # add information from "general information" section to ingest_dict just once if not gen_info_ingested: for gi_item in json_data["general information"].keys(): if gi_item in self.keyword_shortlist: ingest_dict["data"]["gen_info." + gi_item] = json_data[ "general information" ][gi_item] gen_info_ingested = True flattened_data = self.flatten_dict(json_data["data"]) for fd_key in flattened_data.keys(): json_data_item = flattened_data[fd_key] ingest_key = fd_key.replace(" ", "_") key_suffix = ingest_key.split(".")[-1] if key_suffix not in ["data", "unit", "format", "dtype"]: if ( str(type(json_data_item)) == "<class 'astropy.table.table.Table'>" ): for coltitle in json_data_item.colnames: ingest_value = json_data_item[coltitle].tolist() id_key = title_suffix + ingest_key + "." + coltitle ingest_dict["data"][id_key] = [ingest_value] else: ingest_value = json_data_item id_key = title_suffix + ingest_key if str(type(ingest_value)) == "<class 'list'>": ingest_dict["data"][id_key] = [ingest_value] else: ingest_dict["data"][id_key] = ingest_value return ingest_dict
# TODO class ImageScraper(Scraper): def __init__(self): super().__init__()