Source code for spacekit.datasets.beam

Retrieve dataset archive (.zip) files from the web, an s3 bucket, or local disk.
This script is primarily intended as a retrieval and extraction step before launching spacekit.dashboard
For more customized control of dataset retrieval (such as your own), use the spacekit.extractor.scrape module.

"datasets": if set, chooses specific archive dataset filenames to retrieve and extract

src: "web" -> Fetch and extract from one of the spacekit data archives:
archive: name of collection (see ``spacekit.datasets.meta``)

src: "file" -> Fetch and extract from path on local disk
archive: path

src: "s3" -> Fetch and extract from an S3 bucket on AWS
archive: bucketname
"datasets" -> string of S3 archive file basenames separated by comma (without the .zip or .tgz suffix)
download(scrape="s3:mybucketname", "2021-11-04-1636048291,2021-10-28-1635457222,2021-08-22-1629663047")

archive: json filepath containing metadata structured similar to dictionaries in ``spacekit.datasets.meta``
import argparse
import sys
import os
import json
from spacekit.datasets.meta import spacekit_collections
from spacekit.extractor.scrape import WebScraper, S3Scraper, FileScraper
from spacekit.logger.log import SPACEKIT_LOG

S3PREFIX = os.environ.get("PFX", "archive")

[docs]def download(scrape="file:data", datasets="2022-02-14,2021-11-04,2021-10-28", dest="."): if len(dest.split("/")) > 1: cache_dir = os.path.abspath(dest.split("/")[0]) cache_subdir = "/".join(dest.split("/")[1:]) else: cache_dir, cache_subdir = dest, "data" src, archive = scrape.split(":") datasets = datasets.split(",") if src == "web": if archive.split(".")[-1] == "json":"Scraping web via custom json file") with open(archive, "r") as j: collection = json.load(j) scraper = WebScraper( collection["uri"], collection["data"], cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir, ) elif archive in spacekit_collections.keys():"Scraping spacekit collection {archive.upper()}") cc = spacekit_collections[archive] # "calcloud", "svm" dd = {} for d in datasets: dd[d] = cc["data"][d] scraper = WebScraper( cc["uri"], dd, cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir ) else: SPACEKIT_LOG.error( f"Must use custom json file or one of the spacekit collections: {list(spacekit_collections.keys())}" ) elif src == "s3":"Scraping S3") scraper = S3Scraper( archive, pfx=S3PREFIX, cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir ) scraper.make_s3_keys(fnames=datasets) elif src == "file":"Scraping local directory") p = [f"{archive}/*.zip", f"{archive}/*"] scraper = FileScraper( patterns=p, clean=False, cache_dir=cache_dir, cache_subdir=cache_subdir ) if scraper: try: scraper.scrape() if scraper.fpaths:"Datasets: {scraper.fpaths}") return scraper.fpaths except Exception as e: SPACEKIT_LOG.error(f"Could not locate datasets {e}") sys.exit(1) elif fpaths: return fpaths
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scrape", default="web:calcloud", help="Uses a key:uri format where options for the key are limited to web, s3, or file. \ The uri could be your own custom location if not using the default datasets. \ Examples are web:calcloud, web:custom.json, s3:mybucket, file:myfolder. \ Visit for more info.", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--datasets", default="2022-02-14,2021-11-04,2021-10-28", help="Comma-separated string of keys identifying each dataset", ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", default=None) args = parser.parse_args() fpaths = download(scrape=args.scrape, datasets=args.datasets, dest=args.out)