Source code for spacekit.analyzer.scan

This module is a convenient and efficient tool for loading results metrics 
of multiple model training iterations into a single MegaScanner object. 
Metrics files can be loaded from disk and plotted for comparative model analysis 
and evaluation. Using this approach assumes model training results files match 
those generated by spacekit.analyzer.compute.Computer class/subclass objects 
and are accessible from the local disk. Primarily used by spacekit.dashboard 
but can easily be repurposed for other use-cases (analyzing model performance 
in Jupyter notebooks/Google Colab, for example).
import os
import pandas as pd
import glob
from spacekit.analyzer.compute import ComputeBinary, ComputeMulti, ComputeRegressor
from spacekit.logger.log import Logger
from import KEYPAIR_DATA

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    import plotly.figure_factory as ff
    from plotly import subplots
except ImportError:
    go = None
    ff = None
    subplots = None

def check_plotly():
    return go is not None

[docs]def decode_categorical(df, decoder_key): """Add decoded column (using "{column}_key" suffix) to dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame dataframe with encoded categorical column decoder_key : dict key-value pairs of encoding integers and strings Returns ------- pandas DataFrane dataframe with additional categorical column (object dtype) decoded back to strings based on encoding pairs passed in decoder_key. """ for key, pairs in decoder_key.items(): for i, name in pairs.items(): df.loc[df[key] == i, f"{key}_key"] = name return df
[docs]def import_dataset(filename=None, kwargs=dict(index_col="ipst"), decoder_key=None): """Imports and loads dataset from csv file. Optionally decodes an encoded feature back into strings. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional path to dataframe csv file, by default None kwargs : dict, optional keyword args to pass into pandas read_csv method, by default dict(index_col="ipst") decoder_key : dict, optional nested dict of column and key value pairs for decoding a categorical feature into strings., by default None Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame dataframe loaded from csv file """ if not os.path.exists(filename): print("File could not be found") # load dataset df = pd.read_csv(filename, **kwargs) if decoder_key: df = decode_categorical(df, decoder_key) # adds instrument label (string) return df
[docs]class MegaScanner: """ Scans local disk for Compute object datasets and results files then loads them as attributes for use in plotting, EDA, and model evaluation. Parameters ---------- perimeter : str, optional glob search pattern primary : int, optional index of primary dataset to use for EDA in sorted list of those found, by default -1 """ def __init__( self, perimeter="data/20??-*-*-*", primary=-1, name="MegaScanner", **log_kws ): self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__, **log_kws).spacekit_logger() self.perimeter = perimeter self.datapaths = sorted(list(glob.glob(perimeter))) self.datasets = [d.split("/")[-1] for d in self.datapaths] self.timestamps = [ int(t.split("-")[-1]) for t in self.datasets ] # [1636048291, 1635457222, 1629663047] self.dates = [ str(v)[:10] for v in self.datasets ] # ["2021-11-04", "2021-10-28", "2021-08-22"] self.primary = primary = None # self.select_dataset() self.versions = None self.res_keys = None = None self.labels = None self.classes = None self.mega = None # self.make_mega() self.kwargs = None self.decoder = None self.df = None # self.load_dataframe() self.scores = None # self.compare_scores() self.acc_fig = None # self.accuracy_bars() self.loss_fig = None # self.loss_bars() self.acc_loss_figs = None # self.acc_loss_subplots() self.res_fig = None # TODO self.keras = {} self.roc = {} self.cmx = {} if not check_plotly(): self.log.error("plotly not installed.") raise ImportError( "You must install plotly (`pip install plotly`) " "for the scan module to work." "\n\nInstall extra deps via `pip install spacekit[x]`" )
[docs] def select_dataset(self, primary=None): """Select which dataset file (if there are multiple timestamps) to use, e.g. for performing EDA. Parameters ---------- primary : int, optional index of primary dataset to use in sorted list of those found, by default None (-1 or most recent timestamp) Returns ------- str path to csv file of saved dataframe according to the primary index key of datasets found. Raises ------ IndexError primary index key must be a value between zero and the last index of the list of datasets. """ if primary: self.primary = primary if self.primary > len(self.datapaths): self.log.warning("Using default index (-1)") self.primary = -1 if len(self.datapaths) > 0: dataset_path = self.datapaths[self.primary] = glob.glob(f"{dataset_path}/data/*.csv")[0] return else: return None
[docs] def make_mega(self): """Instantiate an empty nested dictionary of results files for each timestamp. Returns ------- dict self.mega nested dictionary for storing results """ self.mega = {} versions = [] for i, (d, t) in enumerate(zip(self.dates, self.timestamps)): if self.versions is None: v = f"v{str(i)}" versions.append(v) else: v = self.versions[i] self.mega[v] = {"date": d, "time": t, "res": self.res_keys} if len(versions) > 0: self.versions = versions return self.mega
[docs] def load_compute_object( self, Com=ComputeMulti, alg="clf", res_path="results", validation=False ): """Loads a single compute object of any type with results from one iteration. Parameters ---------- Com : spacekit.analyze.compute.Computer class, optional Compute subclass, by default ComputeMulti alg : str, optional algorithm type, by default "clf" res_path : str, optional path to results directory, by default "results" validation : bool, optional validation data results (no training history), by default False Returns ------- spacekit.analyze.compute.Computer object Results from the given path loaded as attributes into a Compute class object """ if alg in ["reg", "linreg"]: com = Com(algorithm=alg, res_path=res_path, validation=validation) else: com = Com( algorithm=alg, classes=self.labels, res_path=res_path, validation=validation, ) out = com.upload() com.load_results(out) if alg == "clf": try: # initialize Compute figure attrs com.draw_plots() except Exception as e: self.log.error(e) return com
def _scan_results(self, coms=[ComputeBinary], algs=["clf"], names=["test"]): """Scans local disk for Computer object-generated results files of model training iterations. Returns ------- MegaScanner.mega dictionary attribute dictionary of model training results for each iteration found. """ objects = list(zip(coms, algs, names)) self.mega = self.make_mega() for i, d in enumerate(self.datapaths): v = self.versions[i] for C, A, N in objects: com = C(algorithm=A, classes=self.labels, res_path=f"{d}/results/{N}") com_out = com.upload() com.load_results(com_out) self.mega[v]["res"][N] = com return self.mega
[docs] def load_dataframe(self): self.df = import_dataset(, kwargs=self.kwargs, decoder_key=self.decoder ) return self.df
[docs] def make_clf_plots(self, target="mem_bin"): for v in self.versions: self.mega[v]["res"][target].draw_plots() self.keras[v] = [ self.mega[v]["res"][target].acc_fig, self.mega[v]["res"][target].loss_fig, ] self.roc[v] = [ self.mega[v]["res"][target].roc_fig, self.mega[v]["res"][target].pr_fig, ] # cmx for all versions displayed at once, unlike the two attrs above self.cmx = { "normalized": [self.mega[v]["res"][target].cmx_norm for v in self.versions], "counts": [self.mega[v]["res"][target].cmx for v in self.versions], }
[docs] def make_barplots(self, metric="acc_loss"): self.compare_scores(metric=metric) self.acc_fig = self.accuracy_bars() self.loss_fig = self.loss_bars() self.acc_loss_subplots()
[docs] def compare_scores(self, metric="acc_loss"): """Create a dictionary of model scores for multiple training iterations. Score type depends on the type of model: classifiers typically use "acc_loss"; Regression models typically use "loss". Parameters ---------- target : str, optional y target class label, by default "mem_bin" score_type : str, optional metric used by model (clf=acc_loss, reg=loss), by default "acc_loss" Returns ------- Pandas dataframe model evaluation metrics scores (accuracy/loss by default) for each model training iteration """ score_dfs = [] for v in self.versions: if metric == "acc_loss": score_dict = self.mega[v]["res"][].acc_loss else: score_dict = self.mega[v]["res"][].loss df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(score_dict, orient="index", columns=[v]) score_dfs.append(df) self.scores = pd.concat([d for d in score_dfs], axis=1) return self.scores
# TODO: this can be combined with loss_bars, use kwargs to distinguish between metrics
[docs] def accuracy_bars(self): """Barplots of training and test set accuracy scores loaded from a Pandas dataframe Returns ------- plotly.graph_objs.Figure Grouped barplot figure data of training and test set accuracy scores. """ acc_train = self.scores.loc["train_acc"].values acc_test = self.scores.loc["test_acc"].values xvals = [c for c in self.scores.columns] data = [ go.Bar( x=list(range(len(acc_train))), hovertext=xvals, y=acc_train, name="Training Accuracy", marker=dict(color="dodgerblue"), ), go.Bar( x=list(range(len(acc_test))), hovertext=xvals, y=acc_test, name="Test Accuracy", marker=dict(color="#66c2a5"), ), ] layout = go.Layout( title="Accuracy", xaxis={"title": "training iteration"}, yaxis={"title": "score"}, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
[docs] def loss_bars(self): """Barplots of training and test set loss scores loaded from a Pandas dataframe Returns ------- plotly.graph_objs.Figure Grouped barplot figure data of training and test set loss scores. """ loss_train = self.scores.loc["train_loss"].values loss_test = self.scores.loc["test_loss"].values xvals = [c for c in self.scores.columns] data = [ go.Bar( x=list(range(len(loss_train))), y=loss_train, hovertext=xvals, name="Training Loss", marker=dict(color="salmon"), ), go.Bar( x=list(range(len(loss_test))), y=loss_test, hovertext=xvals, name="Test Loss", marker=dict(color="peachpuff"), ), ] layout = go.Layout( title="Loss", xaxis={"title": "training iteration"}, yaxis={"title": "score"}, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) fig = go.Figure( data=data, layout=layout, ) return fig
[docs] def acc_loss_subplots(self): """Side by side grouped barplots of accuracy and loss metrics for multiple model training iterations. Returns ------- plotly.subplots object plot figure traces and layout for side by side Accuracy and Loss grouped barplots """ self.acc_loss_fig = subplots.make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=("Accuracy", "Loss"), shared_yaxes=False, x_title="Training Iteration", y_title="Score", ) self.acc_loss_fig.add_trace([0], 1, 1) self.acc_loss_fig.add_trace([1], 1, 1) self.acc_loss_fig.add_trace([0], 1, 2) self.acc_loss_fig.add_trace([1], 1, 2) self.acc_loss_fig.update_layout( title_text="Accuracy vs. Loss", margin=dict(t=50, l=200), paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={ "color": "#ffffff", }, ) return self.acc_loss_fig
[docs] def single_cmx( self, cmx, subtitles=("v0"), zmin=0.0, zmax=1.0, cmx_type="normalized" ): """Confusion matrix plot for a single model training iteration Parameters ---------- cmx : 2D numpy array confusion matrix zmin : int or float typically 0 or 0.0 (minimum value for colorscale) zmax : int typically 1 (if normalized) or 100 (max value for colorscale) classes : list of strings target class labels subtitles : tuple, optional text to place above each plot as a subtitle, by default ("v0") Returns ------- plotly figure factory annotated heatmap figure interactive confusion matrix plot """ x = self.labels y = x[::-1].copy() z = cmx[::-1] if cmx_type == "normalized": zmin = 0.0 zmax = 1.0 fmt = "{:.2f}" else: zmin = 0 zmax = 100 fmt = "{:d}" z_text = [[fmt.format(y) for y in x] for x in z] subplot_titles = subtitles fig = subplots.make_subplots( rows=1, cols=1, subplot_titles=subplot_titles, shared_yaxes=False, x_title="Predicted", y_title="Actual", ) fig.update_layout( title_text="Confusion Matrix", paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) # make traces fig1 = ff.create_annotated_heatmap( z=z, x=x, y=y, annotation_text=z_text, colorscale="Blues", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, ) fig.add_trace([0], 1, 1) annot1 = list(fig1.layout.annotations) annos = [annot1] # add colorbar fig["data"][0]["showscale"] = True # annotation values for each square for anno in annos: fig.add_annotation(anno) return fig
[docs] def triple_cmx(self, cmx, cmx_type): """Plot three confusion matrices side by side Parameters ---------- cmx_type : str "normalized" will return a normalized CMX (percentage of FNFPs), otherwise raw numeric values are displayed. Returns ------- plotly figure factory annotated heatmap subplots three interactive confusion matrices side by side as a subplot """ if cmx_type == "normalized": zmin = 0.0 zmax = 1.0 fmt = "{:.2f}" else: zmin = 0 zmax = 100 fmt = "{:d}" x = self.labels y = x[::-1].copy() subplot_titles = self.versions # ("v1", "v2", "v3") fig = subplots.make_subplots( rows=1, cols=3, subplot_titles=subplot_titles, shared_yaxes=False, x_title="Predicted", y_title="Actual", ) fig.update_layout( title_text="Confusion Matrix", paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) annos = [] for i in list(range(len(cmx))): col = i + 1 z = cmx[i][::-1] z_text = [[fmt.format(y) for y in x] for x in z] cmx_fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap( z=z, x=x, y=y, annotation_text=z_text, colorscale="Blues", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, ) fig.add_trace([0], 1, col) annot = list(cmx_fig.layout.annotations) for k in range(len(annot)): annot[k]["xref"] = f"x{str(col)}" annot[k]["yref"] = f"y{str(col)}" annos.append(annot) new_annotations = [] for a in annos: new_annotations.extend(a) # add colorbar fig["data"][0]["showscale"] = True # annotation values for each square for anno in new_annotations: fig.add_annotation(anno) return fig
[docs]class HstCalScanner(MegaScanner): """MegaScanner subclass for HST calibration model training iteration analysis Parameters ---------- MegaScanner : object Parent class object """ def __init__(self, perimeter="data/20??-*-*-*", primary=-1, **log_kws): super().__init__( perimeter=perimeter, primary=primary, name="HstCalScanner", **log_kws ) self.labels = ["2g", "8g", "16g", "64g"] self.classes = [0, 1, 2, 3] self.res_keys = dict(mem_bin=None, memory=None, wallclock=None) = list(self.res_keys.keys())[0] = self.select_dataset() self.mega = self.make_mega() self.kwargs = dict(index_col="ipst") self.decoder = {"instr": {0: "acs", 1: "cos", 2: "stis", 3: "wfc3"}}
[docs] def scan_results(self): """Scans local disk for Computer object-generated results files and stores them as new Compute objects (according to the model type) in a nested dictionary. Returns ------- HstCalScanner.mega dictionary attribute dictionary of model training results for each iteration found. """ com_objects = [] for d in self.datapaths: coms = self.load_com_objects(d) com_objects.append(coms) del coms for i in list(range(len(self.versions))): v = self.versions[i] b, m, w = com_objects[i] self.mega[v]["res"] = dict(mem_bin=b, memory=m, wallclock=w) del b, m, w return self.mega
[docs] def load_com_objects(self, dpath): """Loads Multi classifier and Regression compute objects (3 total) for a single iteration of results Parameters ---------- dpath : str dataset subdirectory path, e.g. "data/2022-02-03/results" Returns ------- tuple tuple of mem_bin, memory, wallclock compute objects for one iteration """ B = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeMulti, alg="clf", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/mem_bin" ) M = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeRegressor, alg="linreg", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/memory" ) W = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeRegressor, alg="linreg", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/wallclock" ) return (B, M, W)
[docs]class HstSvmScanner(MegaScanner): """MegaScanner subclass for HST Single Visit Mosaic alignment model training iteration analysis Parameters ---------- MegaScanner : parent class object MegaScanner object """ def __init__(self, perimeter="data/20??-*-*-*", primary=-1, **log_kws): super().__init__( perimeter=perimeter, primary=primary, name="HstSvmScanner", **log_kws ) self.labels = ["aligned", "misaligned"] self.classes = [0, 1] self.res_keys = {"test": {}, "val": {}} = list(self.res_keys.keys())[0] = self.select_dataset() self.mega = self.make_mega() self.kwargs = dict(index_col="index") self.decoder = {"det": {0: "hrc", 1: "ir", 2: "sbc", 3: "uvis", 4: "wfc"}}
[docs] def scan_results(self): """Scans local disk for Computer object-generated results files and stores them as new Compute objects (according to the model type) in a nested dictionary. Returns ------- HstSvmScanner.mega dictionary attribute dictionary of model training results for each iteration found. """ com_objects = [] for d in self.datapaths: coms = self.load_com_objects(d) com_objects.append(coms) del coms for i in list(range(len(self.versions))): v = self.versions[i] tcom, vcom = com_objects[i] self.mega[v]["res"] = dict(test=tcom, val=vcom) del tcom, vcom
# return self.mega
[docs] def load_com_objects(self, dpath): """Load Binary classifier compute objects for a single iteration of test and validation results Parameters ---------- dpath : str dataset subdirectory path, e.g. "data/2022-02-03/results" Returns ------- tuple tuple of test and validation compute objects for one iteration """ T = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeBinary, alg="binary", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/test" ) V = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeBinary, alg="binary", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/val", validation=True, ) return (T, V)
class JwstCalScanner(MegaScanner): def __init__(self, perimeter="data/20??-*-*-*", primary=-1, **log_kws): super().__init__( perimeter=perimeter, primary=primary, name="JwstCalScanner", **log_kws ) self.labels = [] self.classes = [] self.res_keys = dict(img3_reg=None) = list(self.res_keys.keys())[0] = self.select_dataset() self.mega = self.make_mega() self.kwargs = dict(index_col="img_name") self.decoder = KEYPAIR_DATA def scan_results(self): """Scans local disk for Computer object-generated results files and stores them as new Compute objects (according to the model type) in a nested dictionary. Returns ------- HstCalScanner.mega dictionary attribute dictionary of model training results for each iteration found. """ com_objects = [] for d in self.datapaths: coms = self.load_com_objects(d) com_objects.append(coms) del coms for i in list(range(len(self.versions))): v = self.versions[i] (im3) = com_objects[i] self.mega[v]["res"] = dict(img3_reg=im3) del im3 return self.mega def load_com_objects(self, dpath): """Loads Multi classifier and Regression compute objects (3 total) for a single iteration of results Parameters ---------- dpath : str dataset subdirectory path, e.g. "data/2022-02-03/results" Returns ------- tuple tuple of mem_bin, memory, wallclock compute objects for one iteration """ im3 = super().load_compute_object( Com=ComputeRegressor, alg="linreg", res_path=f"{dpath}/results/img3_reg" ) return im3