Source code for spacekit.analyzer.compute

import os
import glob
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
from sklearn.metrics import (
from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config
from spacekit.logger.log import Logger
from spacekit.extractor.load import save_multitype_data, load_multitype_data

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    font_dict = {"family": "monospace", "size": 16}  # Titillium Web
    mpl.rc("font", **font_dict)
    styles = ["seaborn-bright", "seaborn-v0_8-bright"]
    valid_styles = [s for s in styles if s in]
    if len(valid_styles) > 0:
        except OSError:
except ImportError:
    go = None
    mpl = None
    plt = None

def check_viz_imports():
    return go is not None

[docs]class Computer(object): def __init__( self, algorithm, res_path=None, show=False, validation=False, name="Computer", **log_kws, ): self.__name__ = name self.log = Logger(self.__name__, **log_kws).spacekit_logger() self.algorithm = algorithm self.res_path = res_path = show self.validation = validation self.model_name = None self.model = None self.history = None self.X_train = None self.y_train = None self.X_test = None self.y_test = None self.test_idx = None self.y_pred = None self.y_scores = None self.y_onehot = None self.fnfp = None self.cmx = None self.cmx_norm = None self.cm_fig = None = None self.roc_auc = None self.acc_loss = None self.acc_fig = None self.loss_fig = None self.roc_fig = None self.pr_fig = None if not check_viz_imports(): self.log.error("plotly and/or matplotlib not installed.") raise ImportError( "You must install plotly (`pip install plotly`) " "and matplotlib<4 (`pip install matplotlib<4`) " "for the compute module to work." "\n\nInstall extra deps via `pip install spacekit[x]`" )
[docs] def inputs(self, model, history, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, test_idx): """Instantiates training vars as attributes. By default, a Computer object is instantiated without these - they are only needed for calculating and storing results which can then be retrieved by Computer separately (without training vars) from npz compressed files using the `upload()` method. Parameters ---------- model : object Keras functional model history : dict model training history X_train : Pandas dataframe or Numpy array training feature data y_train : Pandas dataframe or Numpy array training target data X_test : Pandas dataframe or Numpy array test/validation feature data y_test : Pandas dataframe or Numpy array test/validation target data test_idx : Pandas series test data index and ground truth values (y_test) Returns ------- Computer object (self) updated with model attributes used for calculating results """ self.model = model self.history = history.history self.test_idx = test_idx self.X_train = X_train self.y_train = y_train self.X_test = X_test self.y_test = y_test if self.model_name is None: self.model_name = return self
[docs] def builder_inputs(self, builder=None): """Produces same result as `inputs` method, using a builder object's attributes instead. Allows for automatic switch to validation set. Parameters ---------- builder : spacekit.builder.networks.Builder object, optional Builder object used to train the model (instantiantes its own attributes from it), by default None Returns ------- self Computer object updated with Builder attributes """ if builder: if self.validation is True: try: self.X_test = builder.X_val self.y_test = builder.y_val self.X_train = builder.X_test self.y_train = builder.y_test except Exception as e: print(e) print("Validation attributes not set.") else: self.X_train = builder.X_train self.y_train = builder.y_train self.X_test = builder.X_test self.y_test = builder.y_test self.model = builder.model self.history = builder.history.history self.test_idx = builder.test_idx if self.model_name is None: self.model_name = return self
[docs] def download(self, outputs): """Downloads model training results (`outputs` calculated by Computer obj) to local files for later retrieval and plotting/analysis. Parameters ---------- outputs : dictionary Outputs created by their respective subclasses using the ``make_outputs`` method. """ if self.res_path is None: timestamp = int( datestamp = prefix = str(datestamp) + "-" + str(timestamp) self.res_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), prefix, "results", self.algorithm) save_multitype_data( outputs, f"{self.res_path}", fnfp="nested", acc_loss="arrays", history="arrays", loss="arrays", )"Results saved to: {self.res_path}")
[docs] def upload(self): """Imports model training results (`outputs` previously calculated by Computer obj) from npz compressed files. These can then be used for plotting/analysis. Returns ------- dictionary model training results loaded from files on local disk. """ outputs = {} if self.res_path is None: try: self.res_path = glob.glob(f"data/*/results/{self.algorithm}")[0] except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"No results found @ {self.res_path} \n", e) return outputs if os.path.exists(self.res_path): outputs = load_multitype_data(self.res_path) else: self.log.error(f"Path DNE @ {self.res_path}") return outputs
[docs] def onehot_y(self, prefix="lab"): """Generates onehot-encoded dataframe of categorical target class values (for multiclassification models). Parameters ---------- prefix : str, optional abbreviated string prefix for target class name. Defaults to "lab" (abbr for "label")., by default "lab" Returns ------- dataframe one-hot encoded target class labels (dummies) """ self.y_onehot = pd.get_dummies(self.y_test.ravel(), prefix=prefix) return self.y_onehot
[docs] def score_y(self): """Probability scores for classification model predictions (`y_pred` probabilities) Returns ------- ndarray y_scores probabilities array """ self.y_scores = self.model.predict(self.X_test) if self.y_scores.shape[1] < 2: self.y_scores = np.concatenate( [np.round(1 - self.y_scores), np.round(self.y_scores)], axis=1 ) return self.y_scores
[docs] def acc_loss_scores(self): """Calculate overall accuracy and loss metrics of training and test sets. Returns ------- dictionary mean accuracy and loss scores of training and test sets (generated via Keras history) """ train_scores = self.model.evaluate(self.X_train, self.y_train, verbose=2) test_scores = self.model.evaluate(self.X_test, self.y_test, verbose=2) train_acc = np.round(train_scores[1], 2) train_loss = np.round(train_scores[0], 2) test_acc = np.round(test_scores[1], 2) test_loss = np.round(test_scores[0], 2) self.acc_loss = { "train_acc": train_acc, "train_loss": train_loss, "test_acc": test_acc, "test_loss": test_loss, } return self.acc_loss
""" PLOTS """
[docs] def draw_plots(self): """Generate standard classification model plots (keras accuracy and loss, ROC-AUC curve, Precision-Recall curve, Confusion Matrix). Returns ------- Computer object updated with standard plot attribute values """ self.acc_fig = self.keras_acc_plot() self.loss_fig = self.keras_loss_plot() self.roc_fig = self.make_roc_curve() self.pr_fig = self.make_pr_curve() self.cm_fig, self.cmx_norm = self.fusion_matrix(self.cmx, self.classes) return self
# Matplotlib "static" alternative to interactive plotly version
[docs] def roc_plots(self): """Calculates ROC_AUC score and plots Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC). Returns ------- int roc_auc_score (via sklearn) Figure receiver-operator characteristic area under the curve (ROC-AUC) plot """ y_true = self.y_test.flatten() y_hat = self.model.predict(self.X_test) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true, y_hat) # Threshold Cutoff for predictions crossover_index = np.min(np.where(1.0 - fpr <= tpr)) crossover_cutoff = thresholds[crossover_index] crossover_specificity = 1.0 - fpr[crossover_index] roc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_hat) print(f"ROC AUC SCORE: {roc}") fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 6)) axes = axes.flatten() ax = axes[0] ax.plot(thresholds, 1.0 - fpr) ax.plot(thresholds, tpr) ax.set_title( "Crossover at {0:.2f}, Specificity {1:.2f}".format( crossover_cutoff, crossover_specificity ) ) ax = axes[1] ax.plot(fpr, tpr) ax.set_title( "ROC area under curve: {0:.2f}".format(roc_auc_score(y_true, y_hat)) ) if return roc, fig
[docs] def make_roc_curve(self): """Plots the Receiver-Operator Characteristic (Area Under the Curve). Returns ------- plotly.graph_obj Figure ROC-AUC interactive figure plot """ fig = go.Figure() fig.add_shape(type="line", line=dict(dash="dash"), x0=0, x1=1, y0=0, y1=1) for i in range(self.y_scores.shape[1]): y_true = self.y_onehot.iloc[:, i] y_score = self.y_scores[:, i] fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_true, y_score) auc_score = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score) name = f"{self.y_onehot.columns[i]} (AUC={auc_score:.2f})" fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=fpr, y=tpr, name=name, mode="lines")) fig.update_layout( title_text="ROC-AUC", xaxis_title="False Positive Rate", yaxis_title="True Positive Rate", yaxis=dict(scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1), xaxis=dict(constrain="domain"), width=800, height=500, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) if return fig
[docs] def make_pr_curve(self): """Plots the Precision-Recall Curve Returns ------- plotly.graph_obj Figure Precision-Recall curve figure plot """ fig = go.Figure() fig.add_shape(type="line", line=dict(dash="dash"), x0=0, x1=1, y0=1, y1=0) for i in range(self.y_scores.shape[1]): y_true = self.y_onehot.iloc[:, i] y_score = self.y_scores[:, i] precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score) auc_score = average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) name = f"{self.y_onehot.columns[i]} (AP={auc_score:.2f})" fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=recall, y=precision, name=name, mode="lines")) fig.update_layout( title_text="Precision-Recall", xaxis_title="Recall", yaxis_title="Precision", yaxis=dict(scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1), xaxis=dict(constrain="domain"), width=800, height=500, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) if return fig
[docs] def keras_acc_plot(self): """Line plot of training and test accuracy scores per epoch Returns ------- plotly.graph_obj Figure Keras history training and test set accuracy scores for each epoch """ keys = list(self.history.keys()) acc_train = self.history[keys[1]] acc_test = self.history[keys[3]] n_epochs = list(range(len(acc_train))) data = [ go.Scatter( x=n_epochs, y=acc_train, name=f"Training {keys[1].title()}", marker=dict(color="#119dff"), ), go.Scatter( x=n_epochs, y=acc_test, name=f"Test {keys[3].title()}", marker=dict(color="#66c2a5"), ), ] layout = go.Layout( title=f"{keys[1].title()}", xaxis={"title": "n_epochs"}, yaxis={"title": "score"}, width=800, height=500, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if return fig
[docs] def keras_loss_plot(self): """Line plot of training and test loss scores per epoch Returns ------- plotly.graph_obj Figure Keras history training and test set loss scores for each epoch """ keys = list(self.history.keys()) loss_train = self.history[keys[0]] loss_test = self.history[keys[2]] n_epochs = list(range(len(loss_train))) data = [ go.Scatter( x=n_epochs, y=loss_train, name=f"Training {keys[0].title()}", marker=dict(color="#119dff"), ), go.Scatter( x=n_epochs, y=loss_test, name=f"Test {keys[2].title()}", marker=dict(color="#66c2a5"), ), ] layout = go.Layout( title=f"{keys[0].title()}", xaxis={"title": "n_epochs"}, yaxis={"title": "score"}, width=800, height=500, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if return fig
[docs] def resid_plot(self): """Plot the residual error for a regression model. Returns ------- plotly.graph_obj Figure interactive scatter plot figure of residuals in the test set """ if self.predictions is not None: y = self.predictions[:, 1] p = self.predictions[:, 0] else: np_config.enable_numpy_behavior() y = self.y_test.reshape(1, -1) p = self.y_pred data = go.Scatter( x=y, y=p, name="y-y_hat", mode="markers", marker=dict(color="red") ) layout = go.Layout( title="Residual Error", xaxis={"title": "y (ground truth)"}, yaxis={"title": "y_hat (prediction)"}, width=800, height=500, paper_bgcolor="#242a44", plot_bgcolor="#242a44", font={"color": "#ffffff"}, ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) fig.add_shape( type="line", line=dict(dash="dash"), x0=y.min(), y0=y.min(), x1=y.max(), y1=y.max(), ) if is True: return fig
# Matplotlib "static" alternative to interactive plotly version
[docs] def fusion_matrix(self, cm, classes, normalize=True, cmap="Blues"): """Confusion Matrix. Can pass in matrix or a tuple (ytrue,ypred) to create on the fly classes: class names for target variables Parameters ---------- cm : tuple or sklearn confusion_matrix object (y_test, y_pred) tuple or a confusion matrix of true and false positives and negatives. classes : list class labels (strings) to show on the axes normalize : bool, optional Show percentages instead of raw values, by default True cmap : str, optional Colormap, by default "Blues" Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot Figure confusion matrix figure with colorscale """ # make matrix if tuple passed to matrix: if isinstance(cm, tuple): y_true = cm[0].copy() y_pred = cm[1].copy() if y_true.ndim > 1: y_true = y_true.argmax(axis=1) if y_pred.ndim > 1: y_pred = y_pred.argmax(axis=1) fusion = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) else: fusion = cm # INTEGER LABELS if classes is None: classes = list(range(len(fusion))) if normalize: fusion = fusion.astype("float") / fusion.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] fmt = ".2f" else: fmt = "d" # PLOT fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(fusion, cmap=cmap, aspect="equal") # Add title and axis labels plt.title("Confusion Matrix") plt.ylabel("TRUE") plt.xlabel("PRED") # Add appropriate axis scales tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes) # Text formatting fmt = ".2f" if normalize else "d" # Add labels to each cell thresh = fusion.max() / 2.0 # iterate thru matrix and append labels for i, j in itertools.product(range(fusion.shape[0]), range(fusion.shape[1])): plt.text( j, i, format(fusion[i, j], fmt), horizontalalignment="center", color="white" if fusion[i, j] > thresh else "black", size=14, weight="bold", ) # Add a legend plt.colorbar() if else: plt.close() return fig, fusion
[docs]class ComputeClassifier(Computer): """Computer subclass with additional methods specific to classification models. Parameters ---------- Computer : Class object spacekit.analyzer.compute.Computer object """ def __init__( self, algorithm="clf", classes=["2g", "8g", "16g", "64g"], res_path="results/mem_bin", show=False, validation=False, name="ComputeClassifier", **log_kws, ): super().__init__( algorithm, res_path=res_path, show=show, validation=validation, name=name, **log_kws, ) self.classes = classes
[docs] def make_outputs(self, dl=True): """Store computed results into a dictionary, and optionally save to disk. Parameters ---------- dl : bool, optional Download results (save as files on local disk), by default True Returns ------- dictionary outputs stored in a dictionary """ outputs = { "y_onehot": self.y_onehot, "y_scores": self.y_scores, "y_pred": self.y_pred, "cmx": self.cmx, "cmx_norm": self.cmx_norm, "fnfp": self.fnfp, "test_idx": self.test_idx, "roc_auc": self.roc_auc, "acc_loss": self.acc_loss, "report":, } if self.validation is False: outputs["history"] = self.history if dl: super().download(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def load_results(self, outputs): """Load a previously trained model's results from local disk and store in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- outputs : dictionary outputs stored in a dictionary Returns ------- self spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeClassifier subclass object """ self.y_onehot = outputs["y_onehot"] self.y_scores = outputs["y_scores"] self.y_pred = outputs["y_pred"] self.cmx = outputs["cmx"] self.cmx_norm = outputs["cmx_norm"] = outputs["report"] self.roc_auc = outputs["roc_auc"] self.acc_loss = outputs["acc_loss"] if "fnfp" in outputs: self.fnfp = outputs["fnfp"] self.roc_fig = self.make_roc_curve() self.pr_fig = self.make_pr_curve() self.cm_fig, _ = self.fusion_matrix(self.cmx, self.classes) if self.validation is False: self.history = outputs["history"] self.acc_fig = self.keras_acc_plot() self.loss_fig = self.keras_loss_plot() return self
[docs] def track_fnfp(self): """Determine index names of false negatives and false positives from the training inputs and store in a dictionary along with related prediction probabilities. Returns ------- dictionary false-negative false-positive results """ if self.test_idx is None: print("Test index not found") return try: conf_idx = np.where(self.y_pred != self.test_idx.values) except AttributeError as e: print( f"Test/Val Index should be a pandas series, not {type(self.test_idx)}" ) print(e) return pred_proba = np.asarray(self.model.predict(self.X_test).flatten(), "float32") conf_proba = pred_proba[conf_idx] fn_idx = self.test_idx.iloc[conf_idx].loc[self.test_idx == 1].index fp_idx = self.test_idx.iloc[conf_idx].loc[self.test_idx == 0].index self.fnfp = { "pred_proba": pred_proba, "conf_idx": conf_idx, "conf_proba": conf_proba, "fn_idx": fn_idx, "fp_idx": fp_idx, } return self.fnfp
[docs] def print_summary(self): """Prints an sklearn-based classification report of model evaluation metrics, along with accuracy, loss, roc_auc fnfp scores to standard out. The report is also stored as a dictionary in the Computer object's attribute. """ print(f"\n CLASSIFICATION REPORT: \n{}") print(f"\n ACC/LOSS: {self.acc_loss}") print(f"\n ROC_AUC: {self.roc_auc}") print(f"\nFalse -/+\n{self.cmx}") print(f"\nFalse Negatives: {len(self.fnfp['fn_idx'])}") print(f"\nFalse Positives: {len(self.fnfp['fp_idx'])}\n")
[docs]class ComputeBinary(ComputeClassifier): """ComputeClassifier subclass with additional methods specific to binary classification models. Parameters ---------- ComputeClassifier : Subclass object spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeClassifier object """ def __init__( self, builder=None, algorithm="binary", classes=["aligned", "misaligned"], res_path="results/svm", show=False, validation=False, **log_kws, ): super().__init__( algorithm=algorithm, classes=classes, res_path=res_path, show=show, validation=validation, name="ComputeBinary", **log_kws, ) self.builder_inputs(builder=builder)
[docs] def calculate_results(self, show_summary=True): """Calculate metrics relevant to binary classification model training and assign to the appropriate subclass attributes. Parameters ---------- show_summary : bool, optional print the classification report and other summarized metrics to standard out, by default True Returns ------- self spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeBinary subclass object """ self.y_onehot = self.onehot_y() self.y_scores = self.score_y() self.y_pred = self.y_scores[:, 1] = classification_report( self.y_test, self.y_pred, labels=list(range(len(self.classes))), target_names=self.classes, ) self.roc_auc = roc_auc_score(self.y_test, self.y_pred) self.acc_loss = self.acc_loss_scores() self.cmx = confusion_matrix(self.y_test, self.y_pred) self.cmx_norm = self.fusion_matrix(self.cmx, self.classes)[1] self.fnfp = self.track_fnfp() if show_summary: self.print_summary() return self
[docs]class ComputeMulti(ComputeClassifier): """ComputeClassifier subclass with additional methods specific to multi-classification models. Parameters ---------- ComputeClassifier : Subclass object spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeClassifier object """ def __init__( self, builder=None, algorithm="multiclass", classes=["2g", "8g", "16g", "64g"], res_path="results/mem_bin", show=False, validation=False, **log_kws, ): super().__init__( algorithm=algorithm, classes=classes, res_path=res_path, show=show, validation=validation, name="ComputeMulti", **log_kws, ) if builder: self.inputs( builder.model, builder.history, builder.X_train, builder.y_train, builder.X_test, builder.y_test, builder.test_idx, )
[docs] def calculate_multi(self, show_summary=True): """Calculate metrics relevant to multi-classification model training and assign to the appropriate subclass attributes. Parameters ---------- show_summary : bool, optional print the classification report and other summarized metrics to standard out, by default True Returns ------- self spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeMulti subclass object """ self.y_onehot = self.onehot_multi() self.y_scores = self.model.predict(self.X_test) self.y_pred = np.round(self.y_scores) = classification_report( self.y_test, self.y_pred, labels=list(range(len(self.classes))), target_names=self.classes, zero_division=0, ) self.roc_auc = self.roc_auc_multi() self.acc_loss = self.acc_loss_scores() self.cmx = confusion_matrix( np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=-1), np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=-1) ) self.cmx_norm = self.fusion_matrix(self.cmx, self.classes)[1] self.fnfp = self.fnfp_multi() if show_summary: self.print_summary() return self
[docs] def roc_auc_multi(self): """Calculate the ROC-AUC scores for each label of a multiclass model. Returns ------- list roc-auc scores for each class label """ self.roc_auc = [] for i in range(self.y_scores.shape[1]): y_true = self.y_onehot.iloc[:, i] y_score = self.y_scores[:, i] self.roc_auc.append(roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score)) return self.roc_auc
[docs] def onehot_multi(self, prefix="bin"): """Generates onehot-encoded dataframe of categorical target class values (for multiclassification models). Parameters ---------- prefix : str, optional abbreviated string prefix for target class name, by default "bin" Returns ------- dataframe one-hot encoded target class labels (dummies) """ self.y_onehot = pd.get_dummies(np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=-1), prefix=prefix) self.y_onehot.set_index(self.test_idx.index) return self.y_onehot
[docs] def fnfp_multi(self): """Determine index names of false negatives and false positives from the training inputs and store in a dictionary along with related prediction probabilities. Returns ------- dictionary false-negative false-positive results """ if self.test_idx is None: print("Test index not found") return preds = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=-1) actual = self.test_idx.values.ravel() try: conf_idx = np.where(preds != actual)[0] except AttributeError as e: # can probably remove this print( f"Test/Val Index should be a pandas series, not {type(self.test_idx)}" ) print(e) return pred_proba = np.amax(self.y_scores, axis=-1) conf_proba = pred_proba[conf_idx] ipsts = pd.DataFrame(list(self.test_idx.index), columns=["ipsts"]) y_true = pd.DataFrame(actual, columns=["y_true"]) y_pred = pd.DataFrame(preds, columns=["y_pred"]) y_proba = pd.DataFrame(pred_proba, columns=["proba"]) df_proba = pd.concat([y_true, y_pred, y_proba, ipsts], axis=1) df_proba = df_proba.iloc[conf_idx] # conf_proba = df_proba.loc[conf_idx][['proba', 'ipsts']].to_dict('split') fn, fp = {}, {} for label in list(range(len(self.classes))): idx = df_proba.loc[df_proba["y_true"] == label] false_neg = idx.loc[df_proba["y_pred"] < label]["ipsts"] if len(false_neg) > 0: fn[str(label)] = false_neg false_pos = idx.loc[df_proba["y_pred"] > label]["ipsts"] if len(false_pos) > 0: fp[str(label)] = false_pos df_proba.set_index("ipsts", inplace=True, drop=True) self.fnfp = { "pred_proba": df_proba.to_dict("split"), "conf_idx": conf_idx, "conf_proba": conf_proba, "fn_idx": fn, "fp_idx": fp, } return self.fnfp
[docs]class ComputeRegressor(Computer): """Computer subclass with additional methods specific to regression models. Parameters ---------- Computer : parent class spacekit.analyzer.compute.Computer object """ def __init__( self, builder=None, algorithm="linreg", res_path="results/memory", show=False, validation=False, **log_kws, ): super().__init__( algorithm=algorithm, res_path=res_path, show=show, validation=validation, name="ComputeRegressor", **log_kws, ) if builder: self.inputs( builder.model, builder.history, builder.X_train, builder.y_train, builder.X_test, builder.y_test, builder.test_idx, ) self.y_pred = None self.predictions = None self.residuals = None self.loss = None
[docs] def calculate_results(self): """Main calling function to compute regression model scores, including residuals, root mean squared error and L2 cost function. Uses parent class method to save and/or load results to/from disk. Once calculated or loaded, other parent class methods can be used to generate various plots (e.g. `resid_plot`). Returns ------- self ComputeRegressor object with calculated model evaluation metrics attributes. """ if self.X_test is None: print("No training data - please instantiate the inputs.") return self.y_pred = self.compute_preds() self.predictions = self.yhat_matrix() self.residuals = self.get_resid() self.loss = self.compute_scores() return self
[docs] def compute_preds(self): """Get predictions (`y_pred`) based on regression model test inputs (`X_test`). Returns ------- ndarray predicted values for y (target) """ if self.X_test is not None: self.y_pred = self.model.predict(self.X_test) return self.y_pred
[docs] def yhat_matrix(self): """Compare ground-truth and prediction values of a regression model side-by-side. Used for calculating residuals (see `get_resid` method below). Returns ------- ndarray Concatenation of ground truth (`y_test`) and prediction (`y_pred`) arrays. """ if self.y_pred is not None: np_config.enable_numpy_behavior() np.set_printoptions(precision=2) self.predictions = np.concatenate( ( self.y_pred.reshape(len(self.y_pred), 1), self.y_test.reshape(len(self.y_test), 1), ), 1, ) return self.predictions
[docs] def get_resid(self): """Calculate residual error between ground truth (`y_test`) and prediction values of a regression model. Residuals are a measure of how far from the regression line the data points are. Returns ------- list residual error values for a given test set """ if self.predictions is not None: self.residuals = [] for p, a in self.predictions: # predicted - actual r = p - a self.residuals.append(r) return self.residuals
[docs] def calculate_L2(self, subset=None): """Calculate the L2 Normalization score of a regression model. L2 norm is the square root of the sum of the squared vector values (also known as the Euclidean norm or Euclidean distance from the origin). This metric is often used when fitting ML algorithms as a regularization method to keep the coefficients of the model small, i.e. to make the model less complex. Returns ------- int L2 norm """ if subset is not None: return np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(subset)) else: return np.linalg.norm(self.residuals)
[docs] def compute_scores(self, error_stats=True): """Calculate overall loss metrics of training and test sets. Default for regression is MSE (mean squared error) and RMSE (root MSE). RMSE is a measure of how spread out the residuals are (i.e. how concentrated the data is around the line of best fit). Note: RMSE is better in terms of reflecting performance when dealing with large error values (penalizes large errors) while MSE tends to be biased for high values. Parameters ---------- error_stats : bool, optional Include RMSE and L2 norm for positive and negative groups of residuals in the test set (here "positive" means above the regression line (>0), "negative" means below (<0)). This can be useful when consequences might be more severe for underestimating vs. overestimating. Returns ------- dictionary model training loss scores (MSE and RMSE) """ if self.X_test is None: return None train_scores = self.model.evaluate(self.X_train, self.y_train, verbose=2) test_scores = self.model.evaluate(self.X_test, self.y_test, verbose=2) self.loss = { "train_loss": np.round(train_scores[0], 2), "train_rmse": np.round(train_scores[1], 2), "test_loss": np.round(test_scores[0], 2), "test_rmse": np.round(test_scores[1], 2), } if error_stats is True and self.residuals is not None: pos, neg = [], [] for r in self.residuals: if r > 0: pos.append(r) else: neg.append(r) self.loss["rmse_pos"] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.asarray(pos) ** 2)) self.loss["rmse_neg"] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.asarray(neg) ** 2)) self.loss["l2_norm"] = self.calculate_L2() self.loss["l2_pos"] = self.calculate_L2(subset=pos) self.loss["l2_neg"] = self.calculate_L2(subset=neg) return self.loss
[docs] def make_outputs(self, dl=True): """Create a dictionary of results calculated for a regression model. Used for saving results to disk. Parameters ---------- dl : bool, optional download (save) to files on local disk, by default True Returns ------- dictionary outputs stored in a single dictionary for convenience """ outputs = { "predictions": self.predictions, "test_idx": self.test_idx, "residuals": self.residuals, "loss": self.loss, } if self.validation is False: outputs["history"] = self.history if dl: super().download(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def load_results(self, outputs): """Load previously calculated results/scores into Compute object (for comparing to other models and/or drawing plots). Parameters ---------- outputs : dict dictionary of results (generated via `make_outputs` method above) Returns ------- self spacekit.analyzer.compute.ComputeRegressor subclass object updated with results attributes """ self.predictions = outputs["predictions"] self.loss = outputs["loss"] self.residuals = outputs["residuals"] self.res_fig = self.resid_plot() if "test_idx" in outputs: self.test_idx = outputs["test_idx"] if self.validation is False: self.history = outputs["history"] self.acc_fig = self.keras_acc_plot() self.loss_fig = self.keras_loss_plot() if "kfold" in outputs: self.kfold = outputs["kfold"] return self